Order Monitoring
[Failed order] Your order is invalid, as it contains 2 main offer(s)
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-10 Symptoms Change order fails with below error : The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Task "Configuring "subscriptionService" for APS application CSP Microsoft 365 Commercial(https://aps.connect.cloudblue.com/connector)" (id = 123456) is failed with error: "'409 Conflict' received from 'PUT https://aps.connect.cloudblue.com/connector/tenant/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx': The change request PR-XXXX-XXXX-XXX has not been completed. The vendor has rejected the request with following reason: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message from the Vendor: Your order is invalid, as it contains 2 main offer(s) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cause The issue has been already identified as a software bug #PDI-2162 . Details has been explained here: https://docs.cloudblue.com/cbc/21.0/Product-Lifecycle-Management/What's-new.htm#PLM_1.11.791 Resolution 1. Check the PR status on the Connect side: 2. In this case, The order needs to be canceled as it also failed on connect side. 3. In order to fix this issue, we suggest you proceed with the upgrade PLM to the version 1.11.791 and then place a new order.
[Failed order] Tenant does not have required tags for offer xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-10 Symptoms Change order failed with the below error : The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Task "Configuring "subscriptionService" for APS application CSP Microsoft 365 Nonprofit(https://aps.connect.cloudblue.com/connector)" (id = 317809) is failed with error: "'409 Conflict' received from 'PUT https://aps.connect.cloudblue.com/connector/tenant/63eef792-5ad4-471e-9150-c30f0644e27a': The change request PR-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx has not been completed. The vendor has rejected the request with following reason: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message from the Vendor: An error has occurred when changing base plan licenses: Tenant does not have required tags for offer xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx. Cause The issue can be happened because The Qualification flag is set to none in the partner center. Resolution 1. Check Customer account details in MSPC. The Qualification flag is set to none in the partner center, making the orders to fail. 2. Check the PR status in connect. 3. Cancel the order if the error on connect is similar to the error on the CB side as it will never be completed. 4. Please check with Microsoft about The Qualification flag needs to be enabled to buy Non profit subscriptions. Once the Qualification Flag is enabled , Please Place a new order for the affected subscription.
[Failed order] Your cancellation window has closed. We are unable to cancel your subscription
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-10 Symptoms Cancellation Order failed with the error: The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Task "Unprovisioning "Tenant" for APS application inhouse-products" (id = 317900) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'DELETE https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant/d1826bf2-c43d-4fae-a7a9-d89430d3ce97': Operation 'REMOVAL' failed. Fulfillment Request 'PR-1234-5678-3700-003'. Reason: Your cancellation window has closed. We are unable to cancel your subscription. " Service Destroyed: Task "Unprovisioning "Tenant" for APS application inhouse-products" (id = 317900) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'DELETE https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant/d1826bf2-c43d-4fae-a7a9-d89430d3ce97': Operation 'REMOVAL' failed. Fulfillment Request 'PR-1234-5678-3700-003'. Reason: Your cancellation window has closed. We are unable to cancel your subscription. Cause The cancellation Policy of Microsoft Products only allows performing the cancellation of licenses in the 7 days cancellation window: How to cancel seat-based subscriptions in Microsoft NCE from Reseller Control Panel Resolution 1. Check the PR status on the Connect side: 2. Please cancel the current order as it will never be completed Because the PR request failed in connect.
[Failed order] The addon is not purchasable without a compatible base product
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-10 Symptoms Sales order failed with the following error: The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Service Creation Failed: Task "Provisioning "Tenant" for APS application inhouse-products(https://inhouse-products:8081/rest)" (id = 318020) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'POST https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant': Operation 'CREATION' failed. Fulfillment Request 'PR-1234-5678-1670-001'. Reason: The addon is not purchasable without a compatible base product. " Service Creation Failed: Service Creation Failed: Task "Provisioning "Tenant" for APS application inhouse-products(https://inhouse-products:8081/rest)" (id = 318020) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'POST https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant': Operation 'CREATION' failed. Fulfillment Request 'PR-1234-5678-1670-001'. Reason: The addon is not purchasable without a compatible base product. Cause The PLM product ordered is an addon, and it is not purchasable without a compatible base product. Resolution 1. Check the PR status in connect. 2. Cancel the order if the error on connect is similar to the error on the CB side as it will never be completed. 3. Contact Microsoft support for further information about the required base products for mentioned add-on and configure it properly.
[Failed order] The customer is not qualified to purchase Nonprofit offers
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-09 Symptoms Sales Order failed with the following error: The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Service Creation Failed: Task "Provisioning "subscriptionService" for APS application CSP Microsoft 365 Nonprofit(https://aps.connect.cloudblue.com/connector)" (id = 312345) is failed with error: "'409 Conflict' received from 'POST https://aps.connect.cloudblue.com/connector/tenant': The purchase request PR-0000-1234-5273-001 has not been completed. The vendor has rejected the request with following reason: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message from the Vendor: The customer is not qualified to purchase Nonprofit offers. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Important note: submitting again this order will fail due previous reason please create a new purchase request to correct it or contact support " Service Creation Failed: Service Creation Failed: Task "Provisioning "subscriptionService" for APS application CSP Microsoft 365 Nonprofit(https://aps.connect.cloudblue.com/connector)" (id = 312345) is failed with error: "'409 Conflict' received from 'POST https://aps.connect.cloudblue.com/connector/tenant': The purchase request PR-0000-1234-5273-001 has not been completed. The vendor has rejected the request with following reason: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message from the Vendor: The customer is not qualified to purchase Nonprofit offers. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Important note: submitting again this order will fail due previous reason please create a new purchase request to correct it or contact support Cause The issue can occur when the customer has no special qualification to purchase Nonprofit offers from the Microsoft side. Resolution 1. Check the PR status on the Connect side: The customer is not qualified to purchase Nonprofit offers. 2. Cancel the current order as it will never be completed as the customer has no special qualification from MSPC to purchase Nonprofit offers
[Failed order] The number of seats requested for reduction (*) exceeds the amount currently eligible for reduction (*)
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-09 Symptoms The Downgrade Change order failed with the following error: '500 Internal Server Error' received from 'POST https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant/3c05ea98-1ba7-41c8-a4a8-54aa38abe1a5/onLimitChange': Operation 'LIMIT_CHANGE' failed. Fulfillment Request 'PR-6054-4447-3666-004'. Reason: An error has occurred when changing base plan licenses: The number of seats requested for reduction (10) exceeds the amount currently eligible for reduction (3).. Cause The issue can happen while trying to reduce the number of licenses to a higher quantity than the initially bought licenses. Resolution 1. Check the PR status on the Connect side: An error has occurred when changing base plan licenses: The number of seats requested for reduction (10) exceeds the amount currently eligible for reduction (3).. 2. Check the Change orders history - Change Order - Upsize : Upgrade order was placed to increase 13 Licenses (57 -> 70) - Change Order - Downsize : Downgrade Order was placed to reduce the number of licenses by 10 (70 -> 60) - Change Order - Downsize : Another Downgrade Order was placed to reduce the number of licenses by 10 (60 -> 50) in a higher quantity than 3, trying to remove part of the initially bought licenses ( as the initial license was 57). 3. In this case, The order needs to be canceled as it also failed on connect side and then place a new CH order for downsizing 3 licenses that are currently eligible for a reduction. Feature request #PFR-6354 exists to remove the limitation on an eligible number of seats for reduction. Please contact your TAM to get more information about the feature request mentioned above.
[Failed order] Domain renewal failed. Submitted for Renew.
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-09 Symptoms Renewal Domain Order RN001111 failed with the following error The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Domain renewal failed. Failed to get domain renewal status from registrar after several attempts. Domain Status:Submitted for Renew". Please check the "Provisioning item" (details) and the last items of the "Service Status History" (details) of the associated subscriptions for more details. As soon as you fix the problem, resubmit this order for provisioning. Additional information about this error in Platform Knowledge Base - Click here to find a solution Renewal of domain is failed in the provisioning Items Cause The issue happened due to Domain Status being in "NOT AVAILABLE" Status Resolution 1. Check the domain status. 2. If domain in "NOT AVAILABLE" status, please contact the registrar about the associated domain.
[Failed order] Delivering event 'Resource limits changed'. 'SubscriptionID' not found
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-09 Symptoms Change Order UG001111 has failed with the following error: Task "Delivering event 'Resource limits changed' for APS application inhouse-products(https://inhouse-products:8081/rest)" (id = 71676992) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'POST https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant/8123456-92ce-43a2-1111-31dc0f0d7157/onLimitChange': Operation 'LIMIT_CHANGE' failed. Fulfillment Request 'PR-1111-1111-1111-111'. Reason: Change order cannot be processed - 'SubscriptionID' not found - please check your subscription with the vendor " Cause The issue can happen because the Subscription is not active from the Vendor side. Resolution 1. Check the PR status on the Connect side: 2. If the error is similar to the error on the CB side, please cancel the current order as it will never be completed. Please ensure that the Subscription is active from the vendor side and place a new change order.