Published Solutions
User is able to place order even though there is an error message during validation
Original Publishing Date: 2023-06-01 Symptoms The following messages are shown during validation when the customer is trying to place a regular CH order to reduce licenses for NCE subscriptions. However, the order goes through (it fails later on in Connect). You have passed the cancellation window for reducing seats for this subscription. You are trying to reduce more licenses than allowed. Allowed 1 license and attempted 3. The customers are able to place the downgrade order when the quantity of licenses to be reduced is more than the number of licenses that are eligible for downgrade. However, as expected, MSFT rejects the changes and the orders fails. This lead to unnecessary failed orders and the customer has to manually cancel the order to allow the end user to place new orders. Cause The issue is caused due a software issue #UXUI-798. Resolution At this time, if you place the order by mistake, you should cancel it on Commerce side, since it will fail in Connect. Please reach out to your Technical Account Manager or review our release notes for a new version of UX1 with UXUI-798 issue fixed.
Sales Order stuck in AD status with error: Top-up payment was not created
Original Publishing Date: 2023-06-01 Symptoms Sales order (SO) is stuck in Applying Credit Documents to Reseller-level Transactions (AD status) with message: Attaching reseller standalone payment and credit memos. Error: Top-up payment was not created for Order #OrderNumber for Reseller #ResellerID. Cause Top-up option is misconfigured: To check this please check top-up option status: Login as Reseller >My Reseller Status > Check top-up option is not misconfigured Top-up is not active: the default payment method is not available for payments: Resolution There are several options how this issue could be resolved. Either set a default payment method or disable top-up option. To set a default payment method please follow below steps: Login as Reseller > My Reseller Status > Payment Methods > Select Payment Method > Mark as Default To disable Top-up option please follow below steps: Login as Reseller > My Reseller Status > Edit > Unmark the Enable Top-up option
LMT_008 Change Action cannot have same quantity as previous action
Original Publishing Date: 2023-06-03 Symptoms Try to place Change Order shows error message in UX1 panel: Error message can be also shown in the browser console under the estimate request: Rating Engine call error: HTTP server returns error with code 500: LMT_008 :: Change Action cannot have same quantity as previous action HTML Cause It is caused by software issue with id #RE-2586. When subscription is changed and resource downgraded on the same order Rating Engine does not generate new SETUP FEE for target resource. Resolution Issue #RE-2586 will be fixed in Rating Engine version 1.22. Please, kindly contact CloudBlue Technical Support for further assistance.
[RestAPI] "Remote end closed connection without response" error
Original Publishing Date: 2023-05-26 Symptoms When checking order on order-managent Rest API using python as client, the request sometimes failed with Remote end closed connection without response. For example: 2023-05-25 21:12:25,710 - __main__.utilities.order - DEBUG - Result {'orderId': 'XXXXXXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ-AAAA-BBBBBBBBBBBB', 'paymentCreationResult': {'paymentId': 1000001}} 2023-05-25 21:12:27,879 - __main__.utilities.order - INFO - Order XXXXXXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ-AAAA-BBBBBBBBBBBB Status NOT_STARTED 2023-05-25 21:12:27,879 - __main__.utilities.order - INFO - Waiting for Order to start 2023-05-25 21:12:33,037 - __main__.utilities.order - INFO - Order XXXXXXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ-AAAA-BBBBBBBBBBBB Status NOT_STARTED 2023-05-25 21:12:33,042 - __main__.utilities.order - INFO - Waiting for Order to start 2023-05-25 21:12:38,212 - __main__.utilities.order - INFO - Order XXXXXXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ-AAAA-BBBBBBBBBBBB Status NOT_STARTED 2023-05-25 21:12:38,212 - __main__.utilities.order - INFO - Waiting for Order to start Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python37\lib\site-packages\urllib3\", line 600, in urlopen chunked=chunked) File "C:\Python37\lib\site-packages\urllib3\", line 384, in _make_request six.raise_from(e, None) File "", line 2, in raise_from File "C:\Python37\lib\site-packages\urllib3\", line 380, in _make_request httplib_response = conn.getresponse() File "C:\Python37\lib\http\", line 1344, in getresponse response.begin() File "C:\Python37\lib\http\", line 306, in begin version, status, reason = self._read_status() File "C:\Python37\lib\http\", line 275, in _read_status raise RemoteDisconnected("Remote end closed connection without" http.client.RemoteDisconnected: Remote end closed connection without response Checking branding-ui pod, oss pod and ordermanagement pod using command below, there was no error that could be seen during the latest request where it was failed with "Remote end closed connection without response": kubectl logs branding-ui-cluster-ui-xxxxxxx-yyyyy | less kubectl logs oss-node-0 | less kubectl logs ordermanagement-xxxxxx-yyyyy | less Cause Issue with Oauth1Session implementation on default/built-in python library. The session was not kept alive between the request. Resolution Use different tools (eg. Postman/Insomnia) to use the API instead of python. If use of python is needed, then consider alternative library for session creation, httpx_client lib, for example: from authlib.integrations.httpx_client import AsyncOAuth1Client ... session = AsyncOAuth1Client(consumer_key, consumer_secret) For more information refer to library documentation: Alternatively, you can also tune HttpAdapter as per the example below: from authlib.integrations.requests_client import OAuth1Session from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter ... session = OAuth1Session(consumer_key, consumer_secret, realm=url) session.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=2))
HaloPSA Integration
Original Publishing Date: 2023-06-07 Symptoms A reseller has installed HaloPSA from UX1 CP 'Integrations' >'Native Integrations' > 'Get Native Integrations' button, and the HaloPSA menu appears in the left side bar of the panel, but when accessing it, the below information is displayed: HaloPSA Integration To enable the integration: Install MarketplaceAPI app and retrieve API access credentials Go to your HaloPSA tool > Configuration > Integrations Setup the integration with the API access credentials See more details at Cause Halo integration is NOT a native integration, so in order to operate with PSA the MarketplaceAPI, as well know as SimpleAPI, has to be installed together with the HaloPSA integration. Resolution Prior to install and configure the HaloPSA for the reseller together with the MarketPlaceAPI, the provider must have installed and configured the SimpleAPI component by following the documentation: Once the simpleAPI component is installed and configured, Reseller must install the MarketplaceAPI component from Integrations > API Integrations > MarketplaceAPI, then click on 'Install now' button and wait until it's configured. This will return the API access credentials for the reseller, then it will be required to contact the Halo support to complete the onboard and configure the HaloPSA too.
Subscription not billed after change expiration date
Original Publishing Date: 2023-06-08 Symptoms Subscription Expiration Date is changed manually. After this change this subscription is not generating BO (Billing Order). Cause Subscription is rated by Rating Engine. Manually changing subscription expiration date is not supported by Rating Engine. Due to the fact that the subscription was not renewed properly, renewal notches were not generated, so such subscription is considered expired. Resolution Move the subscription expiration date back, place a renewal order and avoid changing expiration date manually in the future. Also, there is a Feature Request with ID #PFR-6402 to Remove ability to change NBD / Expiration Date on subscription rated by new RE.
Consolidated invoice does not include a reseller's billing order
Original Publishing Date: 2023-06-05 Symptoms A reseller's billing order is missing in the consolidated invoice. Cause This happens when processing of a reseller's billing order fails before all its details are processed, or when processing of all reseller's billing order details completes after the consolidated invoice is created. Resolution Note: If the consolidated invoice of a reseller only includes one order, it is recommended to disable consolidated invoice for such a reseller. It is possible to adjust the billing configuration so that the consolidated invoice happens after billing order processing completes: Daily billing finishes. The status of orders with failed processing is changed so that they can be included in a consolidated invoice. Consolidated invoice generation starts. To make sure those steps are performed in that exact order, the following adjustments can be made: Configure consolidated invoice creation to start with a delay after the daily billing process completes. The idea is to let the KickSleepingOrders event that we will configure in the next step happen during this delay. In billing, go to System > Settings and click Events. Search for the DailyBillingFinished event and open it. Switch to the Event Handlers tab. Open BM:: ProcessConsolidatedInvoices and click Edit. Set the Delay (minutes) to the maximum time it takes to complete the daily billing process on your installation, plus a small buffer. For example, 420 minutes. Click Save to apply the changes. Configure the KickSleepingOrders to happen more frequently so that it is triggered between the daily billing process end and consolidated invoice creation start: In billing, go to System > Settings and click Events. Search for the KickSleepingOrders event and open it. Switch to the Scheduler tab. Open the scheduler and click Edit. Set the Execution Interval (sec) to 3600. Click Save to apply the changes. Configure consolidated invoice generation to start outside the daily billing process hours and after all orders are already processed or pushed by the KickSleepingOrders event: In billing, go to System > Settings and click Events. Search for the Generate Consolidated Invoices event and open it. Switch to the Scheduler tab. Open the scheduler and click Edit. Set the Next Execution Time to, for example, 5 hours before daily billing starts, but after the KickSleepingOrders event is triggered. Click Save to apply the changes. With these configuration updates, the reseller's order should always be included in the consolidated invoice.
[Rating Engine] Order total calculated with zero price in UX1
Original Publishing Date: 2023-06-09 Symptoms An attempt to buy more resources through UX1 will result in order to be calculated with zero prices despite having prices set in the service plan. In browser debug, the method 'estimateCosts' was returned with zero prices. For example: Cause This issue is recognized as a software related issue #RE-3101 - "No upsize charges when change order is place near the end of the month". Resolution There are no available workaround at the moment. This issue will only appear if upgrade resource is done near the end of the month. Please contact your Technical Account Manager, to clarify the status of software related issue.
Approval Engine not detecting change order
Original Publishing Date: 2023-06-13 Question Does Approval Engine support Change Orders? Answer No, currently only Sales Orders and Cancellation Orders are supported by Approval Engine. This is valid for version AE-2.4.1348.
[PLM] Pending order warning appears in UX1
Original Publishing Date: 2023-06-13 Symptoms It is observed that in UX1 > Application tab (eg: Exchange Online), a warning error 'Warning! This subscription has a pending order. Please wait until we process this request' appear despite despite the fact that the subscription does not have any incomplete orders. For example: Cause Such situation occur in case the request '/aps/2/services/order-manager/orders' returned an empty array. The issue was recognized as a software related issue #PDI-2119 - 'pending order warning message in case of no orders'. Resolution The fix is considered to be included in one of the next PLM/PDI updates. Please contact Technical Account Manager to know the status of the software related issue.