Published Solutions
Task `Provide backend for application` fails without any errors when deploying docker-based APS package
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Symptoms Task Provide backend for application Application name (instance #YYY) fails without any errors: Method name taskProvideApplicationInstanceBackend on SCREF:SaaSManagerTasks:0 The following exception is shown in core.log: Aug 16 00:49:52.558 : DBG [task:66:973 p:-default-threadpool;-w:-Idle:352 pau]: c.p.p.tracer exit by exception: null at$6( at at at at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) Cause Docker image was not configured properly. Resolution Make sure that the parameters in deployment.xml file were set correctly: username/packagename 1443 endpoint If the values of applicationPort and applicationUrlPath were changed, make sure that they were also changed in related files inside the deploy-image folder. Internal content
Unable to add resource to service template: No resources were selected
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Symptoms An attempt to add 'Application Service Reference' resource type to a service template fails with the following message: No resources were selected Cause Provisioning of the APS resource it depends on is not completed. Resolution Open task manager (Operations -> Tasks), find failed provisioning task, fix the reason it failed and attempt to add a resource type to service template again. Internal content
How to configure store in BA in APS sandbox
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Symptoms How to configure store in BA in APS sandbox? Resolution New sandbox configuration (with a separate server for store) Go to BA > Products > Online Store > Connection Setup, apply similar settings: Custom Store URL: Protocol: https Providers Store Host: Port 443 Note: is IP-address of store server. Hit Synchronize Now after applying the settings. Old sandbox configuration (with a single server for store and pba) Go to BA > Products > Online Store > Connection Setup, apply similar settings: Custom Store URL: Protocol: http Providers Store Host: Port 80 Note: is backend IP-address of pba server. Hit Synchronize Now after applying the settings. Add a line for store with frontend IP-address to etc\hosts of your workstation: Internal content
resizeApp is executed constantly
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Symptoms I have created a custom UI view and when I open it I see in browser console that the application display area grows uncontrollably and resizeApp function is called in an infinite loop. Cause aps/PageContainer id in your view clashes with id of some other element in the DOM, most likely a system element Resolution Change the ID of aps/PageContainer element to a different one, e.g. pcontainer: ... List of DOM element IDs that are used by POA and should not be used in custom UI can be found here. Internal content Link on internal Article
Resource can not be created by available brokers
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Symptoms APS resource provisioning fails with [APSC] resource of type can not be created by available brokers. What does it mean and what could be the reason of these failures? Cause This just means that OA is unable to create a resource with type There can be multiple reasons for that: For example, if you increased version this resource it this resources schema, so schema for offers has version 1.1, but some other resource that requires the offers resource still wants to have version 1.0 of the resource (which does not exist anymore), you will get this error. In addition, if you have resource relations defined in schema in such a way that the resource cannot be properly created, you will also get the same error. It is possible that you did not add the required application resource in the service template. Check the provider guide documentation to make sure that you created all required resources and the service template contains these resources. It can be also a typo if the resource is defined incorrectly. For example backslash is used in: http:\\ Included resource limit set to zero in resource rate while provisioning subscription. Resolution Obtain the error message from failed sales order item Service Creation Failed: Parallels Operations Automation error #extype_id #1, module_id #Common, Internal error: APSC: Provisioning: resource 61cbf7fa-6383-4500-a649-091541b2c370 of type 'environments' ( for APS application 'Cloud Infrastructure-1.4-1918': Resource of type can not be created by available brokers... Description 1 Month(s) Subscription for Plan 'vServer M Linux (CT)'. From the scheduler or poa.log obtain the resources need to be provisioned [15-09-10 18:27:42.109 XMLRPC RQ73778 TH07326 TRC] REQUEST: pem.activateSubscription : { 'account_id' => 1000020, 'parameters' => [ { 'var_name' = > 'aps_defaults_1', 'var_value' => ' {"aps":{"type":""},"name":"", "hostname":"","osId":"0 6bb83cb-8449-4b75-8036-84544a307e2f"}', }, ], 'resource_limits' => [ { 'resource_id' => 1000256, 'resource_limit64' => '1', }, { 'resource_id' => 1000257, 'resource_limit64' => '1', }, { 'resource_id' => 1000259, 'resource_limit64' => '8000', }, { 'resource_id' => 1000260, 'resource_limit64' => '4', }, { 'resource_id' => 1000261, 'resource_limit64' => '8388608', }, { 'resource_id' => 1000264, 'resource_limit64' => '-1', }, { 'resource_id' => 1000265, 'resource_limit64' => '-1', }, { 'resource_id' => 1000266, 'resource_limit64' => '209715200', }, { 'resource_id' => 1000273, 'resource_limit64' => '209715200', }, { 'resource_id' => 1000411, 'resource_limit64' => '0', }, ], 'service_template_id' => 21, 'subscription_id' => 1000067, 'subscription_name' => 'vServer M (Container, Linux)', 'txn_id' => '250959000', } Get the service type of APS resource from problematic APS APP-META.xml # egrep -A9 "service.*sample" APP-META.xml Samples Configuration Samples Go to OA Control Panel and get the resource id containing service type sample OA CP > Services > Applications > 110 Cloud Infrastructure > Resource Types > Search with service type "Samples" 1000411 PACI Template 201509-VPS-Container-Linux-Only Application Service Reference Samples 0 Make sure resource ID #1000411 contains the included limit 1 while provisioning. Set the included limit to 1 in Service Plan for configured resource rate and sync. Resubmit failed Sales Order. Internal content Link on internal Article
"You are not authorized to upload applications of packager [packager]" error when uploading an package to APS catalog
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Symptoms When you try to upload an APS package for certification, you get the following error message: You are not authorized to upload applications of packager [packager name]. Allowed packagers: [some different names]. Cause The packagers assigned to your organization do not match the packager name declared in APP-META.xml of the package you attempt to upload Resolution If the name in Allowed packagers looks more correct than the one that you have in your package, you can modify your APP-META.xml to match the allowed packager for your organization, then repackage and reupload your application. If the list of allowed packagers is not correct for your company or empty, you should submit a request to technical support team and request a packager to be created or changed for your organization. Internal content
Suwizard checkbox is not showing on service user creation screen
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Symptoms I have implemeted a suwizard in my package but there is no checkbox when I create a service user. Cause There is a bug in POA that requires to restart POA UI service after a package with suwizard capabilities is uploaded to drop UI cache and re-read it again from existing packages Resolution Execute the following command on main host on sandbox: /etc/init.d/pemui restart Internal content
Application tab is not shown after upgrade to POA 5.5.2
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Symptoms After upgrade to POA 5.5.2 when I create a subscription I can no longer see my application tab in customer control panel (CCP). Cause Changes in provisioning logic in POA 5.5.2. Resolution Make sure 'Autoprovisioning' is enabled on the service template Internal content Link on internal Article
How often is resource usage collected?
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Problem I'm developing resource usage reporting mechanism for my APS package but always have to wait until POA requests resource usage to see the result, it takes to much time. How often does POA request resource usage? Can I request it manually when needed? Resolution POA collects resource usage using a periodic task 'Synchronize resource usage for instances of APS applications' that is executed every 5 minutes (300 seconds) by default. You run this task manually as well as change how often it is executed: Operations > Tasks > Periodic > [search by name '*APS*'] Internal content
How to customize the browser window title in the CloudBlue Commerce Control Panel
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Description It is possible to replace the default CloudBlue Commerce browser window title with a custom text. There are two possible options: Configuration without IDP module Configuration with IDP module Configuration without IDP module Note: The instructions below are applicable only for CloudBlue Commerce 5.4.3, or later. You can do this by adjusting a hidden system property. The corresponding property can be added directly to the system database at the CloudBlue Commerce Database Server. Follow these steps below to change the browser window title: Execute the following SQL query in the CloudBlue Commerce database: plesk=> INSERT INTO confman_parameters (name, type, edit_by, user_id, value, limits) VALUES ('hide-branding-title', 0, 'p', 1, 1, -1); Upload the customized locale file with the resource key BRANDED.BROWSER_WINDOW_TITLE set to the desired value. This may be done in CloudBlue Commerce PCP at System > Settings > Locales per locale. Example of a customized locale file: BRANDED.BROWSER_WINDOW_TITLE Control Panel Alternatively, you can insert this entry into an already existing customization file: BRANDED.BROWSER_WINDOW_TITLE Control Panel Additional information: Delete the added record in the CloudBlue Commerce database or set its value to "0" to restore the default title. Important note: It is necessary to synchronize the local properties cache after updating the database. To do this, restart the CloudBlue Commerce UI service on all UI servers using instructions in this article. Configuration with IDP module Note: The instructions below are applicable only for CloudBlue Commerce 8.0, or later. 1. Open access to IDP management panel. 2. To change the log-in page title to "Log in to ", complete the following steps: In the left menu of the IDP management panel, open the "sr" security realm and customize the "Display name" property. Internal content Additionally, CUSTOM_PAGE_TITLE value could be redefined in Skin. If you use built-in skins for localization, you need to change default value in /usr/local/pem/wildfly-8.2.0.Final/ext/pem/common/js/pem.js on Core and UI nodes. (actual for build oa-7.0-9781).