Published Solutions
[POA Basics] [Tasks] Tasks lifecycle
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Problem What do task statuses mean? What's the difference between Failed and Rescheduled? Why is a task for my APS instance in Unprocessed status? Resolution Tasks have following lifecycle: Unprocessed: task has been just created or is blocked by other failed tasks in the same queue with lower Task ID. Running: task is performing operations associated with it, timeout usually is 1 hour. Successful: task executed successfully. Failed: task is failed, result of its execution is stored in Output, for example: Internal error: SDK::Platform::blob Plesk::SaaS::SaaSManagerTasks_impl::taskExecuteWorkflow(const SDK::Platform::Properties&) : [APSC] Line 1: syntax error. Rescheduled: after task has failed it is automatically rescheduled to be executed at least one more time (depends on the task type) to avoid intermittent problems. Canceled: task has been manually canceled. Deleted: task was executed a long time ago and was already cleaned up, it is no longer possible to reschedule it. See this article to get additional information on types of APS-related tasks. Internal content Link on internal Article
Methods declared with verb 'POST' or 'PUT' get boolean 'true' instead of passed parameters
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Symptoms Your APS2 package uses PHP runtime, and you declare a custom method that receives parameters via POST or PUT, like this: /** * @verb(POST) * @path("/parambypost") * @param(string,query) */ public function parambypost($postparam){ return $postparam; } However, instead of expected parameter, the function returns 'true': user$ curl -X POST -d 'postparam=123' true Cause PHP runtime bug Resolution Upgrade your PHP runtime to a more recent version. You can obtain an up-to-date version at the PHP Runtime Library page on APS standard website. Internal content
[APS1 to APS2] What's the alternative to verification and resource scripts?
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Symptoms In APS1 we had resource script to collect resoure usage and verification scipt to validate user input and return suggested values, how it should be done in APS2? Resolution Verification script: In APS2 application interface is designed by the packager itself, it's written in JavaScript using Dojo library, you can use AJAX to contact endpoint to verify the data. Resouce script: In APS1 there was one-way communication only (APS controller asking application to provision/change resource, verify data, collect usage), now application can update application services without APS controller initiating it. One of the possible scenarios is setting up a scheduled task on endpoint that would collect usage from backend and update resource. The same can be done using updateResource() method in aps-php-runtime. Internal content
java.lang.NullPointerException when navigating to a view in a wizard
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Symptoms My sandbox was upgraded to POA 5.5.2+ and now when I try to navigate to a step in a wizard i get java.lang.NullPointerException. Cause Wizard declaration in APP-META.xml is not supported, all the logic should be implemented via widgets (aps/WizardData and aps/WizardControl). Resolution Remove wizard and step from APP-META.xml. Before: After: Internal content
Auto-generated UI vs. custom UI for APS2 applications
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Symptoms I am in the process of designing an APS2 application for POA 5.5, should I choose to use auto-generated or custom UI for my application? Resolution In POA 5.5 autogenerated UI works for site applications only, external applications should use custom UI. More on both options: Internal content
[how-to] Test application instance removal
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Symptoms I need to test application removal for my application with custom UI but there is no button to uninstall APS2 application in CCP anymore. Cause The 'uninstall' button is only available for applications that use auto-generated UI. Resolution To test application removal remove the subscription from provider's interface. Internal content
Async provisioning not working as described in tutorial
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Symptoms I want to implement the async provisioning with retry counter as described in the tutorial The problem is that async retry message never gets over the value of 1. Cause The latesta update is poa-5.5-5562_update06-824 or earlier. Resolution Need to install update poa-5.5-5562_update07-954. Internal content
How to add packager name to my organization?
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Symptoms How to add packager name to my organization? Cause Resolution You can also initiate this process by sending your request to the APS team. Log in Development Portal and create request for adding a packager name to your organization. When selecting a name for the packager name use the following recommendations and requirements: Use alphabetical symbols supported by ASCII encoding and numbers. It is recommended for the packager name to reflect the organization name. When uploading a package, the packager name in its metadata must correspond to one of the packager names in the organization. To get more details see the official documentation. Internal content
Package verification by apslint fails with: 'Default value for mandatory setting SETTING_ID is required'
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Symptoms Apslint returns error: 'Default value for mandatory setting SETTING_ID is required' However, setting is populated by configuration script, and default value is not appropriate. Cause By convention, in APS 1.2 visible settings are entered by customer, 'hidden' - set in resource type by provider, 'protected' - populated by configuration script. For 'protected' settings default value is not required, for other types - either class or default value is required. Resolution Add protected="true" attribute to setting declaration in APP-META.xml. If setting should not be visible, also add visibility="hidden" attribute. Internal content
CCP v2 Integration tab
Original Publishing Date: 2020-01-22 Question CCP v2 Integration tab is not shown for all APS Applications. Why? How to hide/show this tab? Answer The tab CCP v2 Integration is shown only for APS applications that have not been yet adopted for CCP v2. oped for them). If application has in its APP-META.xml, then the tab CCP v2 Integration will not be shown. There are two available display modes for such applications: Multiple navigation items - Application is shown separately for each subscription it's included into One navigation item - Application is shown only once even if it's included into multiple subscriptions Internal content