Order Monitoring
[Failed order] Downsizing licenses is not allowed together with other actions. The new quantity (X) must be equal or greater than the quantity of the original subscription (Y).
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-24 Symptoms Change order failed with below error: The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Task "Delivering event 'Resource limits changed' for APS application inhouse-products(https://inhouse-products:8081/rest)" (id = 71688235) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'POST https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant/c08d2289-a83c-4d61-bee6-8aad459f37ae/onLimitChange': Operation 'LIMIT_CHANGE' failed. Fulfillment Request 'PR-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX'. Reason: Downsizing licenses is not allowed together with other actions. The new quantity (1) must be equal or greater than the quantity of the original subscription (2). Cause The issue can be happened due to License amount changed while switching from one plan to another. Example: In this case The license amount was changed from Microsoft 365 Business Premium (NCE COM BAS 1MO MTH) - 2 licenses to Microsoft 365 Business Premium (NCE COM BAS 1YR MTH) - 1 license while switching the plan. Resolution 1. Check the PR status on the Connect side: 2. Cancel the current order as it will never be completed. 3. It is possible to switch Service Plan only on the same amount of licenses or greater number of license. There are a few ways how to resolve the issue after you cancel the failed change order: a) Upgrade all licenses to New Plan b) Use a partial upgrade tool to switch part of the licenses to a new plan.
[Failed order] The customer is not qualified to purchase Education offers
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-24 Symptoms Sales Order failed with the following error: The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Service Creation Failed: Task "Provisioning "subscriptionService" for APS application CSP Microsoft 365 Education(https://aps.connect.cloudblue.com/connector)" (id = XXXXXX) is failed with error: "'409 Conflict' received from 'POST https://aps.connect.cloudblue.com/connector/tenant': The purchase request PR-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX has not been completed. The vendor has rejected the request with following reason: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message from the Vendor: Customer's domain is not considered affiliated with an Education institution, if you would like to dispute this: please engage Microsoft Support. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Important note: submitting again this order will fail due previous reason please create a new purchase request to correct it or contact support "". Please check the "Provisioning item" (details) and the last items of the "Service Status History" (details) of the associated subscriptions for more details. As soon as you fix the problem, resubmit this order for provisioning. Additional information about this error in Platform Knowledge Base - Click here to find a solution Cause The issue can occur when the customer has no special qualification to purchase Education offers from the Microsoft side. Resolution 1. Check the PR status on the Connect side: 2. Cancel the current order as it will never be completed as the customer has no special qualification from MSPC to purchase Education offers. 3. As it described in Microsoft documentation, the partner's tenant should be registered and verified in a special way in order to obtain the ability to provide subscriptions based on Education offers. Please contact Microsoft Support in order to obtain details about the tenant creation and verification process.
[Failed order] Your customer account is currently under review. Check back in few days.
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-23 Symptoms Change order fails with below error: The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Task "Delivering event 'Resource limits changed' for APS application inhouse-products(https://inhouse-products:8081/rest)" (id = xxxxxx) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'POST https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant/xxxxxxx-fd34-40ab-xxxx-c312f1ded9a7/onLimitChange': Operation 'LIMIT_CHANGE' failed. Fulfillment Request 'PR-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-XXX'. Reason: An error has occurred when changing base plan licenses: Your customer account is currently under review. Check back in few days. Your patience is appreciated during this time. Learn more at https://aka.ms/AA8lpeh. Cause The Error is coming from Microsoft as it seems the account is under the verification process, You can refer to this article by Microsoft to understand further regarding the process: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/partner-center/verification-responses Resolution 1. Check the PR status on the Connect side: 2. In this case, The order needs to be canceled as it also failed on connect side. 3. Kindly contact Microsoft to rectify the issue with the customer's account. Place a new order once issue has been fixed by the Microsoft side.
[Failed order] The offer xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx is not purchasable - Item xxxx-xxxx-xxxx is not purchasable
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-22 Symptoms Sales order failed with following error: The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Service Creation Failed: Task "Provisioning "subscriptionService" for APS application CSP Microsoft 365 Nonprofit(https://aps.connect.cloudblue.com/connector)" (id = 320396) is failed with error: "'409 Conflict' received from 'POST https://aps.connect.cloudblue.com/connector/tenant': The purchase request PR-1234-567-891 has not been completed. The vendor has rejected the request with following reason: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message from the Vendor: The offer xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx is not purchasable - Item xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx is not purchasable. Cause The issue can be happened due to Offer specified is not available for purchase. Most likely it was retired by Microsoft and no longer available for sale. Resolution 1. Make sure that the offer is no longer provided by Microsoft. For instance, retired offers are absent in Microsoft offer matrix (it can be obtained in Partner Center). 2. Please check the PR status in connect .If it is failed with the same error , Cancel current sales order. 3. Edit each Service Plan Publication Settings to remove from the Store and the Control Panel (Uncheck the Published attribute) 4. Edit each Service Plan Renewal settings to prohibit the renewals: 4.1. Set the Auto-renewal to “Disabled” 4.2. Deactivate each Subscription Period in the plan 5. Apply these changes to the Delegated Plans (Synchronize the Reseller plan(s) to the Resellers)
[Failed order] subscription has a discount applied and the desired quantity is not within minimum and maximum allowed quantity
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-22 Symptoms Upgrade Licenses Change Order failed with the following error: The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Task "Delivering event 'Resource limits changed' for APS application inhouse-products( https://inhouse-products:8081/rest)" (id = 321815) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'POST https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant/04f806b8-8349-4502-abd4-da0ed7240524/onLimitChange': Operation 'LIMIT_CHANGE' failed. Fulfillment Request 'PR-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX'. Reason: An error has occurred when changing base plan licenses: This subscription has a discount applied and the desired quantity is not within minimum and maximum allowed quantity.. Cause The issue can be happened if additional licenses are purchased but promo limit has been exceeded. In that case Change order has been blocked by Microsoft according to Microsoft implemented promotions: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/partner-center/new-commerce-promotions Resolution 1. Check the PR status on the Connect side: 2. Please cancel current Change order if the same error appears on connect. 3. The only solution here is to buy a new subscription rather than upsizing the current one.
[Failed order] Reason: Customer not found
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-16 Symptoms Sales order fails with below error: The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Service Creation Failed: Task "Provisioning "Tenant" for APS application inhouse-products( https://inhouse-products:8081/rest)" (id = 321451) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'POST https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant': Operation 'CREATION' failed. Fulfillment Request 'PR-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX'. Reason: Customer not found Cause Response "Customer not found" is coming directly from Microsoft. Resolution 1. Check the PR status on the Connect side: 2. In this case, The order needs to be canceled as it also failed on connect side. 3. Please validate information between CB and Microsoft, place a new order once the data is validated. 4. In case if the issue still persists, please submit a new incident to application support
[Failed Orders] Some Assets contain unique Parameters with specified values.
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-16 Symptoms Change order failed with the below error : The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Service Creation Failed: Task "Provisioning "Tenant" for APS application inhouse-products(https://inhouse-products:8081/rest)" (id = XXXXXXXX) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'POST https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant': Operation 'CREATION' failed. Fulfillment Request 'PR-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX'. Reason: Some Assets contain unique Parameters with specified values. Cause The issue occurs when the import of the already existing Microsoft subscription happened. The Microsoft Connector does not support two subscriptions with the same Microsoft Subscription id. Resolution Validate if the subscription you trying to import already exists in another Connect Subscription. If there is no duplicated Microsoft Subscription ID, please submit an Incident request to CBTS support (Create ticket) to investigate what is causing the issue. In a situation when Microsoft Subscription ID in question already exists please contact the team who was in charge of the subscription import request (Management Services/Application support) or the Technical Account Manager to clarify the situation. *Note that if the PR is on Failed status on Connect side the order in Cloudblue needs to be canceled as it will never get completed
[Failed Order] Request failed due to timeout. An issue occurred while processing the Request.
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-16 Symptoms Order stuck in long running operation status on Cloudblue side. Order failed with the error: Request failed due to timeout. In Connect, the related Provisioning Request (PR) stuck in "Pending" status with the following message: An issue occurred while processing the Request. See the error log for more details. Cause This is a generic issue, signalizing that unexpected response was received from Microsoft side. One of the possible reasons: Refresh Token is expired. Resolution Please submit Incident request to CBTS support (Create ticket) in order to investigate what causing the issue.
[Failed order] Perpetual Software/Software Subscriptions orders cannot be changed
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-15 Symptoms Change order fails with below error : Provisioning for order #9784836 is not completed. Task "Delivering event 'Resource limits changed' for APS application inhouse-products(https://inhouse-products:8081/rest)" (id = 71682654) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'POST https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/onLimitChange': Operation 'LIMIT_CHANGE' failed. Fulfillment Request 'PR-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX '. Reason: Perpetual Software/Software Subscriptions orders cannot be changed. If you need more licenses, it is necessary to create a new order. " Cause As Per Microsoft policy, limits in cloud subscriptions that include perpetual software licenses cannot be changed. If more perpetual software license seats are needed, amount must be paid for each license seat and create new subscriptions. Resolution 1. Check the PR status on the Connect side: 2. In this case, The order needs to be canceled as it also failed on connect side.
[Failed order] Provided sub-domain is not matched with available domains for parameter 'microsoft_domain'
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-11 Symptoms Sales order failed with the following error: The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Service Creation Failed: Task "Provisioning "Tenant" for APS application inhouse-products( https://inhouse-products:8081/rest)" (id = xxxxxx) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'POST https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant': 400 Bad Request ConnectError(error_code=VAL_001, errors=[asset.params: Provided sub-domain is not matched with available domains for parameter 'microsoft_domain'.], params=null) Cause The issue is caused because of provided wrong sub-domain: {"key": "microsoft_domain", "value": "123456.com"} This value has an incorrect format, the correct way to fill the Microsoft subdomain field is the following: CustomerSubdomain.onmicrosoft.com. e.g. The correct subdomain will be 123456.onmicrosoft.com Resolution Please cancel the Failed order in CloudBlue Commerce and place a new order with the correct subdomain.