[POA basics] [Tasks] Tasks properties
Modified on: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 12:07 PM2020-01-22
In Operations > Tasks
I see a list of tasks with several properties, can I use this information in a way that would benefit me?
Each task has the following properties:
- ID
sequenced internal number, id is assigned during task creation so the tasks with lower ids were created first.
- Name
Task name, usually contains a short description of the operation it performs.
- Started/Finished
When the task was started/finished (for tasks in status other than 'Unprocessed') or when the task should be started for tasks in 'Unprocessed' status.
- Queue name
A batch of tasks that depend on each other and need to be processed consequentially, usually queue name points out why the tasks are grouped in one queue, for example:
aps_application_instance18 subscription_id16
- tasks to provision/configure/unprovision instance 18 in subscription 16
- Subscription ID
Useful to filter all tasks for a subscription in search.
- Status
Task status, more on tasks lifecycle here.