How to create a reseller in a sandbox
Modified on: Sat, 18 Nov 2023 5:30 AM2020-01-22
How to convert a Customer to Reseller on APS sandbox?
Create a Service Template in OA
OA > Service Templates > Add New Service Template
- Name = "Reseller Branding Template"
Add the following Resource Types.
- Reseller accounts
- Client accounts
- Branding access points
- Set Resource Types Limits to finite values.
- Activate the Service Template.
Reseller Management Template
in BABA > Service Plans > Service Templates tab > Add New Service Template > Resellers Management
The settings are:
- Name = "Reseller Management Template"
- Branding Template = "Reseller Branding Template"
- Version = 1
- Order Flow = "Default Order Flow"
- External Provisioning Template = "PEM Reseller"
Create a generic Service Plan in BA
BA > Service Plans > Add New Service Plan > Generic Service Plan
- Name = "Reseller Creation Plan"
- Service Template = "Reseller Management Template"
- Published = True
Create an order and assign the service plan
Reseller Creation Plan
. Open order.Log in to OA as the reseller, go to BA, confirm initialization parameters such as currency value and so on.
- Log in to OA as a provider. Make sure that the provisioning has been done successfully. The customer should now be a reseller.
To get more information regarding Service Plan delegation on other reseller questions refer to the Getting Started with Billing – Reseller's Guide guide