Published Solutions
[PLM] PPR import parseConfig error is not shown on UX1
Original Publishing Date: 2023-09-26 Symptoms Provider wants to upload new PPR file in UX1-UI classic mode by clicking the Import button on 'Portfolio > Products' menu. After a few seconds nothing happened. No error, warning, summary nor notification came up on UX1. In browser dev mode we see an error similar to this one: { "error": "com.ingrammicro.imcp.library.aps.exception.APSError", "packageId": "xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx", "message": "Column 'ServicePlan' of sheet 'DownsizePolicies' mentions following service plans not mentioned in the column 'Name_EN' of sheet 'ServicePlans': \"Microsoft 365 Business Basic (NCE COM MTH)\"Column 'ServicePlan' of sheet 'CancelationPolicies' mentions following service plans not mentioned in the column 'Name_EN' of sheet 'ServicePlans': \"Microsoft 365 Business Basic (NCE COM MTH)\"Column 'ServicePlan' of sheet 'PlanPeriods' mentions following service plans not mentioned in the column 'Name_EN' of sheet 'ServicePlans': \"Microsoft 365 Business Basic (NCE COM MTH)\"Column 'ToResource' of sheet 'UpgradeResourceMapping' mentions following resources not mentioned in the column 'Name_EN' of sheet 'Resources': \"Microsoft 365 Business Basic\"Following products were not found for account #1 in service template #323: Dynamics 365 Operations – Order Lines, Microsoft Sales Copilot Trial, Microsoft Entra ID P1, Microsoft Entra ID P2, Microsoft Sales Copilot", "http_request": "POST https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/application/7eeb6287-651e-462b-8a80-dc9dddfb4fea/parseConfig" } Cause Such behavior was identified as software related issue with id #OA-35806 "Notifications.add do not work in "old" experience". Resolution OA-35806 was fixed in OA 21.13. Update to version 21.13 or higher. In the meantime, the New experience menu can be used by by activating the 'New Experience' button on top right corner in provider UX1 Control Panel.
PLM renewal task keep rescheduling after receiving 500 Internal Server Error
Original Publishing Date: 2023-09-26 Symptoms On integration with external fulfillment system, the renewal task ("Delivering of event notification Renew subscription period") keep rescheduling despite receiving 500 Internal Server Error from the external fulfillment system. The same error works fine for Provisioning, Unprovisioning and Limit Change, which will mark the task as fail once the task received 500 Internal Server Error. In Inhouse-products pod logs, retrieved by using kubectl logs inhouse-products-xxxxx-yyyyy, you can see that that TenantService task keep repeating after the initial 500 Internal Server Error: 11-09-2023;11:23:44,073+0200 INFO [task:12162421:31329 application-rest:task-17 inhouse-products] - updating tenant with uid a2653051-473e-4d12-ab5e-2753bc91408e - process instance: CamundaProcessInstance{id='6d669bc4-5079-11ee-b635-da1e64a26e39', businessKey='1019039:a2653051-473e-4d12-ab5e-2753bc91408e:8ee47dbe-cdbc-4bf3-826e-1c63805aaab8', variables={ext_id_activationDate= CamundaCommonVariable{name='Activation Date', value='', type='string', showToCustomer=false, phase='fulfillment'}, ext_id_vendorSubscriptionId=CamundaCommonVariable{name='Vendor Subscription ID', value='', type='string', showToCustomer=false, phase='fulfillment'}, activationcode=CamundaCommonVariable{name='activationcode', value='PRODUCT-1Y-RECUR', type='string', showToCustomer=true, phase='fulf illment'}}, state=ACTIVE, fulfillmentOperation=null}, fulfillment operation: RENEWAL, tenant entity: APSDynamicEntity{properties={tenantStatus=PENDING_FULFILLMENT, lastOperation=RENEWAL}} Cause Software related issue with id #PDI-2437, where TenantService task does not check the received error status. Resolution The fix is planned to be released in future version of inhouse-products. Please contact your TAM or check our release notes to keep track the status of this issue.
unknown channel: _channellID error in UX1 New experience
Original Publishing Date: 2023-10-05 Symptoms When customer login to UX1 New experience control panel, and left the session idling for some time, the screen will show a red long error bar on with the following message: unknown channel: _channelID Depending on how long the session was left idle, there could be multiple notification bar with the same error on the UX1 CP similar to the one shown in the screenshot below: However, this error was not visible when leaving the session idle in old UX1. Cause Software related issue with id #OA-36679 where session's end was not handled properly. Resolution The fix is considered to be included in one of the next updates. Please contact your TAM or check our release notes to further track the status of this issue.
Service Plan synchronization failed
Original Publishing Date: 2023-10-04 Symptoms Made some changes on a Service Plan, then attempt to synchronize subscriptions but synchronization request is mark as failed: Cause There is error in some subscriptions under this Service Plan, it can be easily found clicking on the failed synchronization request > Subscriptions tab > Filter by status "Failed": Each subscription can have many different error causes, to understand each of them it is required to click on them and error cause will be displayed. Resolution Check and try to fix based on individual error applying the existing articles, or in case it is not document contact CloudBlue Technical Support.
Synchronize resource usage periodic task failed
Original Publishing Date: 2023-10-06 Symptoms Periodic task to 'Synchronize resource usage for APS application instance #XXXX' failed with error similar to this for one or multiple resources: Could not get resource usage for resource with UUID 'aea13eb4-60f7-486d-b33f-8eed3ba3cded': '404 Not Found' received from 'GET': no Route matched with those values 404 Not Found Body: '404 Not Found' received from 'GET': no Route matched with those values Could not get resource usage for resource with UUID 'aea13eb4-60f7-486d-b33f-8eed3ba3cded': '404 Not Found' received from 'GET': no Route matched with those values 404 Not Found Body: '404 Not Found' received from 'GET': no Route matched with those values Could not get resource usage for resource with UUID '9188fff4-0aca-4fcd-8d5e-73ec785ba2df': '404 Not Found' received from 'GET': no Route matched with those values 404 Not Found Cause This incident could be caused by a temporary connectivity issue between Commerce and Connect. Resolution Resubmit periodic task. If the issue was caused by Connectivity issue it should get status successful, in case the issue is for different cause it will fail again. In case task still failing after resubmit, please, contact CloudBlue Technical Support.
[Connect] Upsizing and downsizing in the same request is not allowed
Original Publishing Date: 2023-06-19 Symptoms Customer/Reseller place a Change Order from Customer/Reseller CP, and the order failed with the message from Vendor. The vendor has rejected the request for the following reasons: Upsizing and downsizing in the same request is not allowed. and Request under 1:1 business model can only have one item. Cause In Connect, the PR request is rejected, due to the fact that Vendor does not allow such changes to be placed in single Change Order. Resolution Please cancel Change Order and place two separate orders, instead of using one order for all changes.
Multiple Orders stuck in 'Creating Order Details'
Original Publishing Date: 2022-11-15 Symptoms We can see lot of orders in CBC staying in the 'Creating Order Details' status for half an hour already. Cause Possible causes: - Huge number of orders created within a short period of time; - Overall system overload/slowness, especially after a downtime, because of accumulated tasks/orders that need to be processed. Resolution If you suspect that the possible causes above might be true for your environment, wait for all orders to reach some "final" status like "LRO", "Waiting for payment", Failed", "Completed", etc. If not, please contact CBC Technical Support.
Cannot place Sales Order: 'Unit or duration of period is not set'
Original Publishing Date: 2023-10-10 Symptoms When trying to place a Sales Order for Free domain transfer with Subscription period of 0 years via UX1 Marketplace or REST API, the estimate call fails with error: { "error": "com.ingrammicro.billing.aps.exception.APSError", "packageId": "95341295-cba8-4159-ab1b-13fcb74a6333", "message": "Unit or duration of period is not set", "http_request": "POST https://ordermanagement:8081/rest/order-management/35933149-61a0-4d18-b32f-df05c4d9f4d0/orders/estimate", "pkgId": "95341295-cba8-4159-ab1b-13fcb74a6333" } Cause This is caused by the software-related issue with ID #ORMA-529. Resolution There is no workaround available for this issue. A fix is planned in future software updates.
[IDP] Cannot access Keycloak
Original Publishing Date: 2023-10-12 Symptoms After upgrade the IDP component to latest version 4.0.x, the access to KC is not working, and steps to enable it from public doc here: Accessing the Keycloak Administration Panel, is not working anymore: root@oa-mn:~ # kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -o name -l app=idp-backend | cut -d'/' -f 2) -- sh /opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/ --connect Defaulted container "idp-backend" out of: idp-backend, idp-spi sh: /opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/ No such file or directory command terminated with exit code 127 The script is under different location now: [jboss@idp-backend-7c8c569ff9-b97v9 /]$ find / -name /opt/jboss/wildfly/bin/ but trying to execute it from the new location is not working neither: [jboss@idp-backend-7c8c569ff9-b97v9 /]$ /opt/jboss/wildfly/bin/ --connect Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Sharing is only supported for boot loader classes because bootstrap classpath has been appended [otel.javaagent 2023-10-12 11:12:29:195 +0200] [main] INFO io.opentelemetry.javaagent.tooling.VersionLogger - opentelemetry-javaagent - version: 1.25.0 [standalone@localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/host=default-host/filter-ref=IM_adminPanel:remove() { "outcome" => "failed", "failure-description" => "WFLYCTL0216: Management resource '[ (\"subsystem\" => \"undertow\"), (\"server\" => \"default-server\"), (\"host\" => \"default-host\"), (\"filter-ref\" => \"IM_adminPanel\") ]' not found", "rolled-back" => true }[standalone@localhost:9990 /] And the restart of IDP pod is not helping neither. Cause By default, the keycloak admin web interface is only available if you try to access the web interface inside the containers idp-backend or idp-spi. Resolution To be able to access this web interface outside these containers in an kubernetes environment you need to run the following command: kubectl exec `kubectl get pods -l app=idp-backend -o jsonpath={.items[0]}` -c idp-spi -- curl -k -v http://localhost:8082/auth/realms/master/maintenance-api/enableRestrictedApis -X POST --data '{"enable":"false"}' --header "Content-Type: application/json" This the the doc bug created DOC-3361
Status mismatch between Connect and Commerce
Original Publishing Date: 2023-10-13 Symptoms Place an order in CloudBlue Commerce (CBC) and it gets rejected / approved on Connect, but order still in "Provisioning is in progress" status on Commerce. There is a failed task in task manager with error message like following: '503 Service Unavailable' received from 'POST': Planned maintenance in progress Cause Task has been executed while Connect was inaccessible due maintenance routine, which has lead this task to failed status. Resolution Re-run task in task manager and wait to order receive update so it change status. In case that task is re-ran but after several minutes the related order do not change status, please kindly contact CloudBlue Technical Support.