Published Solutions
How to regenerate the NCE Refresh Token
Original Publishing Date: 2023-09-08 Question How to regenerate the NCE Refresh Token once it is expired? Instructions Keep in mind that in order to generate this refresh token, access is needed to Microsoft Partner Center with Global Admin and Admin agent permission. You may follow the steps below: Access to Integrations → Extensions → Microsoft Management Settings: Click on the "Open Settings" button (You will need your user belonging to the "Administrators group" to access this section): Click on Credentials; Select Production tab; Search by marketplace ID and select the "MICROSOFT_SAAS" credential: Click on Generate Token: You will be redirected to Microsoft. Introduce MS account credentials; Once you log in with your MS account, check the status in Connect:
The redirect URI specified in the request does not match the redirect URIs configured for the application
Original Publishing Date: 2023-09-08 Question How to fix error 'AADSTS50011' when accessing MS trying to generate the refresh token? Full error message: AADSTS50011: The redirect URI '' specified in the request does not match the redirect URIs configured for the application 'xxxx'. Make sure the redirect URI sent in the request matches one added to your application in the Azure portal. Navigate to to learn more about how to fix this. Instructions The error message you are encountering (AADSTS50011) is due to a mismatch between the Redirect URI specified in your application and the one you have configured in the Azure portal. In order to fix it, please follow the next steps: Copy the application ID from the error message. This is the ID of your application that has been registered in Azure AD. Go to the Azure portal. Make sure you sign in to the portal by using an account that has permissions to update Azure AD Application registration. Navigate to Azure Active Directory, select App registrations, locate the application registration by using the application ID, and then open the app registration page. On the app registration page, select Authentication. In the Platform configurations section, select Add URI to add the redirect URI displayed in the error message to Azure AD. Save the changes and wait three to five minutes for the changes to take effect, and then send the login request again. You should now be able to sign in to the application.
brand/aps page is publicly available - is it safe?
Original Publishing Date: 2023-09-07 Question Our security team is suggesting that we hide or remove this page ( https://brand.tld/aps ) And I would like to know if this actions is possible or if this action will be a problem for the panel cloud. In case this action be possible. Answer The mentioned /aps endpoint is used by Connect extension. Please do not remove it. According to our security team it does not pose any security risk to the platform.
[HOWTO] Placing renewal order with a promo code via API
Original Publishing Date: 2023-09-12 Question Script for migrating subscriptions from CSP to NCE does not support "promo code" parameter. As a result we need to apply promo codes to already migrated subscriptions in bulk. We tried using CreateManualOrder_API method, however it did not produce the expected results. Is there another way to do this? Answer You may do it via CBC REST API Here is an example request for placing a renewal order with a promo code: { "type": "RENEWAL", "subscriptionId": "456808a0-b5a6-4092-ab67-b34533743a07", "promoCode": "123", "paymentMethodId": "11", "period": { "unit": "MONTHS", "duration": 1 } }
Prices doubled for all customers in UX1 marketplace
Original Publishing Date: 2023-09-15 Symptoms All customers see doubled prices in UX1 marketplace. Cause Incorrect configuration. Resolution In customer's CP, add some product to the cart and open the cart to see price breakdown. It may clarify where the doubled prices are coming from. Example: In the above example first part comes from subscription period: And second part comes from resource rate period (in some cases it will be just resource rate, if no periods):
PLM PPR import error - Notification Template 'XXX' was neither provided in Excel configuration nor found in the system for account 1
Original Publishing Date: 2022-09-15 Symptoms Trying to export, add notification then import result in error: "Notification Template 'Office 365 Expiration' was neither provided in Excel configuration nor found in the system for account 1" But Subscription Expiration exists. Ho do I set Plan "Notification Schedule"? Ho do I set Plan Periods "Notification Schedule"? What is ExpirationNotificationTemplate? Cause When a PPR is uploaded and has ExpirationNotificationTemplate value specified in it. For example ExpirationNotificationTemplate="XXX". The system will create a subscription expiration schedule with name "XXX". The schedule will be configured in a way that "XXX" notification template will be sent on the subscription expiration day. Yes, notification template and subscription expiration schedule will have the same name - "XXX". The error is telling us that the "XXX" notification template does not exist neither in the excel file, nor in the system. There is a tab in the PPR excel file called "NotificationTemplates", where this notification called "Office 365 Expiration" is searched in the first place (This tab is optional). If this template is not located in the excel file, the system search for it in your notification templates on the CloudBlue platform. If you go to "Billing" => "System" => "Settings" => "Notifications" => "Notification templates" you will see all your notification templates. Resolution There are 3 options to fix the issue; - Change the name of "ExpirationNotificationTemplate" in the excel file to one of your existing templates in "Billing" => "System" => "Settings" => "Notifications" => "Notification templates" - Create the notification template in the excel tab "NotificationTemplates" (You can refer to this in the PLM documentation File Requirements ) - Create a new notification template called "XXX" under "Billing" => "System" => "Settings" => "Notifications" => "Notification templates". Note: In case default parameters/settings of the created subscription expiration schedule are not good enough, they can can be modified directly in classic CP. > Ho do I set Plan Periods "Notification Schedule"? PLM cannot set notification schedule for plan periods.
[UX1] Partial upgrade not showing "Existing subscription" option
Original Publishing Date: 2023-09-19 Symptoms There is no option to upgrade the order to an existing subscription, we can only see an option to upgrade to a new subscription. Cause Partial upgrade in UX1 still has some limitations. For example, it will not work if both subscriptions expire on the same date. Quote from related documentation page: Note: The Partial upgrade wizard displays only those existing destination subscriptions that have their expiration date later than the one of the source subscription, have the same Microsoft tenant as the source subscription, are not in the cancellation window, and do not have any pending orders. The Next button will become active at the first step of the wizard only if the number of units selected to be moved is more than the current number of units in the existing destination subscription. Resolution If the above limitations are blocking you from using Partial upgrade feature in UX1, you may use Classic panel (Partial Upgrade Tool) instead: If for some reason you cannot do it neither via UX1, nor via Classic panel, please report the issue to Cloudblue Technical Support. In time-sensitive cases you may perform the partial upgrade directly on Microsoft side and contact Cloudblue Technical Support. We will sync the licenses from Microsoft to CBC side.
How to update a8n-operator
Original Publishing Date: 2023-09-28 Question Do you have some instructions/manual for updating the "a8n-operator" microservice? Answer a8n-operator is an internal microservice. Normally it is updated/redeployed automatically whenever CBC platform is updated. You as a provider should not do anything with it or worry about it not being up-to-date. If you suspect that something is not working because its version is too old, please submit a ticket to CloudBlue Technical Support with all the details, we will investigate.
Plan prices reset to zero after PPR upload
Original Publishing Date: 2022-10-13 Symptoms After uploading a PPR file, resource rate period prices were changed to zero for some plans. Cause Software related issue #PDI-1558 - 'PlanRatePeriod existing fields are voided during update' Due to that issue when PlanRatePeriods are updated by means of PPR, PLM voids multiple fields like recurringFee, RecurringSKU and others (mostly fees and SKUs). As a result, prices are no longer shown in UX1 Marketplace. The issue has been fixed in PLM-1.6.348. Resolution Schedule PLM upgrade with your TAM. Workaround At the moment, the only way to restore prices now is to upload the correct prices via product inventory.
Task "Send notification to" fails with "554 Message rejected: Email address is not verified"
Original Publishing Date: 2023-09-27 Symptoms From the login page click on "Forgot password" link and attempt to reset user password. No email is received and it can be found a failed task with error message like following: 554 Message rejected: Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region XXXXXX: Account ... Cause Sender email is not validated on the SMTP server. Resolution Validate the sender email on the SMTP server, or change it on the email template for a validated account. In case this account is already validated on the SMTP server, or the sender email does not corresponds with the one set on the sender from the email template, please, kindly contact CloudBlue Technical Support.