Published Solutions
Where can a provider or reseller get the "Adobe Return Order ID"
Original Publishing Date: 2023-06-27 Question Where do we get the "Adobe Return Order ID" during the process of downgrade or cancellation? Answer Step 1: To get the order ID select reseller authorization. Step 2: Find Adobe on the list and select manage. Step 3: Select Adobe Customer management. Step 4: Select the customer from the list. Step 5: Find the order ID customer are returning (Type : RETURN). This is the "Adobe Return Order ID".
Unable to open any inhouse-products (PLM) resource in Operations - An unforeseen error occurred
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-03 Symptoms When trying to view any inhouse-products resource in OA PCP, the following error is shown: An unforeseen error occurred. Please contact noreply@brand.tld. Details Message: "class com.plesk.p2.cp.util.common.MenuItemImpl cannot be cast to class com.plesk.p2.cp.core.pcp.rtst.RT (com.plesk.p2.cp.util.common.MenuItemImpl and com.plesk.p2.cp.core.pcp.rtst.RT are in unnamed module of loader 'deployment.pui-war.war' @7739349)". In the oss-node-0 log the following can be seen: 06-08-2023;09:33:29,557 WARNING [javax.enterprise.resource.corba._DEFAULT_.rpc.encoding] (p: default-threadpool; w: Idle) "IOP00110201: (BAD_PARAM) Null parameter": org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM: vmcid: SUN minor code: 201 completed: Maybe Cause The issue is caused by an internal issue with ID #OA-31898. Fixed in these versions: oss-21.9.127, bss-21.9.116, branding-ui-cluster-21.9.114, inhouse-products-1.6.333 Resolution Please consider upgrading your platform to the latest version.
Unable to resume reseller's marketplace due to OutOfMemory error
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-07 Symptoms After upgrading to UX1MP-7.2.1707, unable to resume reseller's marketplace where it shows the same error as per the following article: Resume Marketplace Failed With Error "You need to restart 'UX1 Marketplace [GUID] Plan indexer task". Even after applying the same steps as per the article, the same error still persist. On marketplace connector log, retrieve by using kubectl logs ux1-marketplace-connector-yyyy-zzzz, we can see the following OutOfMemory error: 2023-08-07T05:51:14.074451683Z stdout F 2023-08-07 05:51:14.074 +00:00 [INF] [no-tran] Route matched with {action = "UpdateIndex", controller = "Search"}. Executing controller action with signature Microsoft. AspNetCore.Mvc.IActionResult UpdateIndex(System.String, Boolean) on controller Endpoint.Controllers.SearchController (endpoint-app). 2023-08-07T05:51:14.074572459Z stdout F 2023-08-07 05:51:14.074 +00:00 [INF] [no-tran] Async task 'updateIndex' was failed 2023-08-07T05:51:14.075702183Z stdout F 2023-08-07 05:51:14.075 +00:00 [ERR] [no-tran] System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.) 2023-08-07T05:51:14.075732029Z stdout F ---> System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. 2023-08-07T05:51:14.075738802Z stdout F at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Initialize(Int32 capacity) in /_/src/System.Private.CoreLib/shared/System/Collections/Generic/Dictionary.cs:line 475 2023-08-07T05:51:14.075743911Z stdout F at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryInsert(TKey key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior) in /_/src/System.Private.CoreLib/shared/System/Collections/Generic/Dictionary.cs:line 480 2023-08-07T05:51:14.07574835Z stdout F at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.System.Collections.IDictionary.set_Item(Object key, Object value) in /_/src/System.Private.CoreLib/shared/System/Collection Cause Software related issue #CMP-10795 where plan indexer task consume huge memory. Resolution Fixes has been released in UX1 Marketplace 7.4.1871. Please evaluate the release and consider to upgrade to this version to avoid the issue.
[PLM] Partial Upgrade Error on checkout - Transaction ID is missing
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-10 Symptoms Customer or reseller try to place a Partial Upgrade order for a PLM based plan after Provider configure it according to new PFR-5669 described in documentation UX1 Subscription Management 5.4.1634 and Configuring Plan Switch Paths. The following error shows up on UX1 panel on top of the screen at checkout process: There are errors in Activation Parameters: Transaction ID is missing. Remember Transaction ID is required for all requests involved in the partial upgrade. And also it can be found In the validation process from browser dev tools, by pressing F12 in Chrome for example, in the below response for request '/aps/2/resources//validate': { "id": "transaction_info_object", "value": "", "value_error": "Transaction ID is missing. Remember Transaction ID is required for all requests involved in the partial upgrade.", "structured_value": { "transaction_type": "PartialUpgrade", "source_subscription_id": 1005748 }, "type": "object", "phase": "ordering" }, { "id": "transaction_id", "value": "", "value_error": "", "type": "text", "phase": "ordering" }, Cause This behavior has been recognized as a software related issue #CNNO-1766. Resolution Fixed in NCE Commercial extension (version 28.0.5).
All orders are failing with - Operation timed out after 30001 milliseconds
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-13 Symptoms All orders fail or get rescheduled with the below error: Rating Engine call error: HTTP operation failed with error code 28: Operation timed out after 30001 milliseconds with 0 out of -1 bytes received Cause If all orders are affected, it probably means that communication between Rating Engine and other parts of the platform is not working. Resolution Check if all pods are running properly: [root@osscore ~]# kubectl get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE a8n-operator-d466588c-d55hm 1/1 Running 2 170d camunda-rest-67877fcb74-r5gzg 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 232 171d connect-cbc-adapter-7dd85dcb57-lpcxg 1/1 Running 131 2y138d inhouse-products-6b9cf9f745-gcflq 0/1 Running 252 171d order-management-b87856777-tm6bg 0/1 Running 26 52d ratingengine-backend-7f4b567746-k66hg 0/1 Running 23 52d ratingenginepayg-8dbb6949b-dtwzd 0/1 Running 20 52d ux1-marketplace-connector-7c758f9559-xll5r 0/1 Running 317 543d ux1-marketplace-elastic-548bc45f6f-prs59 1/1 Running 28 543d ux1-ui-6c776d47c7-ff96x 1/1 Running 76 543d [root@osscore ~]# Status "0/1" above means pods are not ready. Check system pods [root@osscore ~]# kubectl get pod -n kube-system NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE coredns-576cbf47c7-h8hhm 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 294 270d coredns-576cbf47c7-t6gpc 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 293 270d etcd-link8s.domain.local 1/1 Running 99968 4y66d kube-apiserver-link8s.domain.local 1/1 Running 78773 4y66d kube-controller-manager-link8s.domain.local 1/1 Running 498 4y66d kube-proxy-rh924 1/1 Running 2 270d kube-router-lsn8v 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 43 270d kube-scheduler-link8s.domain.local 1/1 Running 494 4y66d tiller-deploy-6f6fd74b68-np96p 1/1 Running 112 270d [root@osscore ~]# As you can see in the above example, coredns and kube-router pods are not well. Report the issue to your K8s cluster administrator. The following article could be useful to them:
Unable to place scheduled change order: "You have passed the cancellation window for reducing seats for this subscription."
Original Publishing Date: 2023-07-10 Symptoms When attempting to place a scheduled change order from customer UX1, the validation screen will prompt the error: "You have passed the cancellation window for reducing seats for the subscription." even though the order was scheduled to be applied on the subscription next auto-renewal day. Cause Such issue was recognized by CloudBlue Automation R&D Team as an internal issue with ID #PDI-2234. Resolution The issue was already fixed and included in PLM version 1.12.850. For further details regarding this issue, please contact Technical Account Manager. In case a temporary workaround is needed, the proposed workaround is to place the scheduled change order from reseller's UX1. The example of the steps are as below: 1. Impersonate as the Reseller (direct reseller of affected customer account) 2. From Reseller's UX1, navigate to > Customers > Subscriptions > select affected subscription, click 'Change' 3. Set the changes to be applied on the required scheduled settings 4. Reduce the required quantity, click 'Next', and the order will be able to be placed without any error
Partial upgrade tool does not show existing subscriptions to upgrade
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-17 Symptoms Try to partially upgrade some licenses from one subscription to another existing subscription does not show the existing subscriptions, or only show some of them. Cause This behavior can be caused by different reasons. Some of the most recurrent are the following: Target subscription has minor period than the source subscription. Example: source subscription has plan period of 1 year, but target subscription has plan period of 1 month. Target subscription has earlier expiration date than the source subscription. Example: source subscription expires on June 1st, but target subscription expires on March 16th. Target subscription is still on the cancellation window or has a pending order. Target subscription has a Service Plan that is not allowed to partially upgrade. Resolution The previous exposed causes are considered as known limitations of the current product version, in such cases it is not possible to partially upgrade to this existing subscription and it is required to upgrade to a different subscription or upgrade to a new subscription. In case of any other cause different from the mentioned previously, please, contact CloudBlue Technical Support for further assistance.
How to customize locale strings in v21 Billing
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-13 Question We need to add a "Customized" word to some payment descriptions, like this: What would be the procedure to achieve it? Answer Based on this documentation page: The procedure would be the following: 1. Enter bss-www pod, for example: # kubectl -n exec -ti bss-www-7f546479f8-jwg67 -- bash 2. Find the original line here: # grep "Payment for Order" /usr/local/bm/share/language-packs/en/locale.en "Payment for Order $1." "Payment for Order $1." 3. Add the modified line here (create the file if necessary): # cat /k8s_data/locales/customization/locale.en.custom "Payment for Order $1." "Customized Payment for Order $1." 4. Exit from the bss-www pod. And restart PBA: kubectl delete pod -l app=bss -n Note: It is always recommended to re-login to the control panel to see any changes. Note 2: The above change (and other similar changes) will be applied only to newly generated documents. Note 3: In the above example English locale is customized, however you may use it to customize other languages as well.
Start date xxxxxxxx is not aligned with the expiration date yyyyyyyy
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-22 Symptoms Try to import Microsoft co-termed subscription, or with custom expiration date, prompts an error similar to this: "message": " Start date 1692568800 : 21-08-2023 00:00:00 is not aligned with the expiration date 1708988400 : 27-02-2024 00:00:00.", Cause It is not possible to import subscriptions where end date is not aligned with start date. This is caused by software related issue with id #OA-35389. Resolution Issue #OA-35389 was fixed in BSS version 21.12.248. For previous BSS versions subscription can be imported modifying start date as a workaround. It must be aligned with end date according to the plan period. See below example: MS subscription: Start date = 21-08-23 End date = 27-02-24 Plan Period = 1 Year Having previous case we must import subscription with following rule: endDate - planPeriod = startDate 27/02/24 - 1 year = 27/02/23
Unable to place downsize orders for subscriptions within Microsoft cancellation window
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-29 Symptoms Unable to place downsizing or cancellation requests for subscriptions during the Microsoft cancellation window. From the end-customer or reseller Control Panel, the following error message is displayed when trying to change the subscription. According to the terms of service, this subscription cannot be downsized. Cause The issue is caused by the software related issue with id #OA-35327. Resolution A permanent solution will be implemented in the scope of #OA-35327. Nevertheless, there is a workaround in case a customer places a change order on MSFT. Please, refer to How to cancel Microsoft365 NCE PLM based subscription before the end of subscription period.