Published Solutions
Invoice not sent due to wrong SMTP password
Original Publishing Date: 2023-07-03 Symptoms Monthly invoice was not sent out from BSS. Checking one of the email logs in Billing > Logs > Outgoing E-Mail Log the error in comment is as below: Bad command sequence To get more details on the issue, tail the bss-scheduler pod using command below: kubectl logs -l "app=bss,stellart in (scheduler)" --tail=1 -f --max-log-requests=50 And from the output we can see the following error: [23-07-03 12:19:01.340 AMAIL2 RQ8241187 TH00061 TRC] AMAIL2: start mail sending [23-07-03 12:19:01.356 AMAIL2 RQ8241187 TH00061 DBG] Start ESMTP greet [23-07-03 12:19:01.357 AMAIL2 RQ8241187 TH00061 DBG] ESMTP greet succeeded [23-07-03 12:19:01.357 AMAIL2 RQ8241187 TH00061 INF] TLS is supported by server [23-07-03 12:19:01.361 AMAIL2 RQ8241187 TH00061 DBG] TLS init succeeded [23-07-03 12:19:01.362 AMAIL2 RQ8241187 TH00061 DBG] EHLO greet over TLS completed [23-07-03 12:19:01.363 AMAIL2 RQ8241187 TH00061 WRN] AMAIL2: mailsmtp_auth failed [23-07-03 12:19:01.363 AMAIL2 RQ8241187 TH00061 WRN] AMAIL2: RESP=You have been denied authentication due to possible brute-force attempts; please try again later. [23-07-03 12:19:01.363 AMAIL2 RQ8241187 TH00061 WRN] AMAIL2 FAILED (2):Bad command sequence To further confirm the issue, we can then try to send the email using telnet: telnet EHLO AUTH LOGIN 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6 535 Incorrect authentication data Cause Incorrect password was supplied to a8n-config. Resolution Update SMTP password by modifying the value in a8n-config configmap. 1. Edit the configmap kubectl edit configmap a8n-config 2. Update the value of ENV_SMTP_PASSWORD 3. Save and exit the editor. 4. Restart bss and oss pod kubectl delete pod -l app=bss -n kubectl delete pod oss-node-0 -n
Usage Report Import failed with 'error :RNG_001 :: Incorrect range'
Original Publishing Date: 2023-07-04 Symptoms Under the provider's UX1 in Usage Reports section, Usage Report processing failed with error: 'RNG_001 :: Incorrect range'. Cause The report file contains the records with 'start datetime' and 'end datetime' of the same date. Cloudblue Commerce platform cannot execute a rating of such data and this is why the usage file was not accepted and results in processing failure. For example: This behavior was recognized as a software related issue with ID #VRD-299 which was already fixed in UsageCollector-1.10.1256 Resolution Please consider to upgrade Usage Collector to version 1.10.1256. As a temporary workaround, it is required to increment the 'end datetime' to 1 day after the original date with time equals to '00:00:00', and then re-upload the usage file manually. For example:
My Partnerships and Reseller Authorization showing at the same time in UX1
Original Publishing Date: 2023-06-26 Symptoms The Reseller Authorization screen was replaced with My Partnerships ('s-new.htm#PLM_1.11.768) but for some reason, both of them are visible in the reseller's UX1 after upgrade PLM to version 1.11: Cause This situation could have happened because the upgrade process from PLM 1.10 to 1.11 hasn't been successfully completed. It failed on step "updateDestroyOnCancelPerProductLine". During this operation, there was an error on calling xmlrpc because of network failure. The task "toggleResellerAuthorizationNavigationItems" is the last of the upgrade tasks and it has not been called at all. There is a software issue with id #PDI-2198 "Make upgrade actions independent and move icon hiding to v1.12" to prevent such situations when during PLM upgrade process there is no specific procedure for fail cases. Even if some actions were not finished but pod can start and continue work. Resolution You can hide the extra tab Reseller Authorization in UX1 Navigation (under Provider CP, by marking following parameters as hidden: navigation@ navigation@
[Rating Engine] Zero Billing Order was generated for subscription
Original Publishing Date: 2023-07-12 Symptoms After shifting subscription to Rating Engine, subscription was billed with zero billing order. Cause It is the expected behavior of the system. Such issue will only occur on subscriptions with missing Migration Orders or Sales Orders. Rating engine do not support subscriptions with such condition because it depends on the history of the subscription purchases (SO or MO must exist), in order to calculate charges. By default, Rating Engine migrator does not allow to shift such subscriptions to Rating Engine, as per described in existing feature request #PFR-6051 - 'Migrator can't get orders from archive tables'. In this specific case, manual manipulations was done to pushed the subscriptions to get shifted to Rating Engine and eventually, it leads to incorrect billing of the shifted subscription. Resolution In order to fix the issue, it is required to reimport affected subscriptions using migration orders. Already generated Billing Order cannot be re-generated, therefore, if it is needed, please create a Debit Memo, to compensate the missing billing total using the formula: Unit Price * Duration * Quantity = Extended Price.
How to synchronize upgrade path to resellers
Original Publishing Date: 2023-06-23 Question How can we synchronize upgrade path to reseller's delegated plans? Answer In order to propagate upgrade path changes on delegated service plans, the following options can be used: Billing Control Panel > Resellers > click on desired resellers > click button 'Synchronize This Reseller' or 'Synchronize This Reseller And Sub-Resellers'. 1. Synchronize delegated Service Templates 2. Update Plan Fees Once the synchronization is done, the upgrade path will be updated in delegated plans. On certain cases where the delegated plans has the option 'Managed by Myself', the following options should be selected for the plans managed by reseller. 1. Synchronize delegated Service Templates 2. Update Plan Fees 3. Update Prices in the Plans managed by Reseller Please keep in mind that, in case there are changes of 'Plan Fees' in plans, this will also be synchronized, on top of the upgrade path. NOTE: The feature to exclude the option 'Update Plan Fees' in order to synchronize upgrade paths has been implemented in scope of software related issue #OA-35278 and was fixed in platform version 21.12 Additional Information: When the button 'Synchronize' is clicked, a message "Reseller synchronization has been scheduled" will be prompted. In usual cases where a lot of updates are done (that involves a lot of subscription synchronization), a synchronization request will be created, and such request can be seen in Service Plans > Synchronization Requests. Here, all subscriptions involved in the synchronization process will be shown and the status of sync will be shown. But in case of updating upgrade path, it does not involve subscriptions, only affected plans. Therefore, the request is shorter, and quicker to be applied, and no synchronization request is created. The result of the plan synchronization almost can be checked almost immediately after clicking the button 'Synchronize'.
Partial Upgrade Tool - Unable to create order list
Original Publishing Date: 2023-07-06 Symptoms From Operations (OA) side > Services, open "Partial Upgrade Tool" throws an internal 500 error: RequestError: Unable to load /aps/2/resources/3d7163c3-877a-45fb-8b78-e5c84ca4437b/getPartialUpgradeOperations status: 500 com.ingrammicro.imcp.library.application.exception.ApplicationException: com.ingrammicro.imcp.library.aps.exception.APSInvocationException: Incorrect Response from APS Controller '{"error":"com.ingrammicro.billing.aps.exception.APSError","packageId":"bcbf431d-ed81-4887-9ac2-67c12eada03a","message":"Unable to create order list","http_request":"GET https://ordermanagement:8081/rest/order-management/6cf7f966-056f-40b0-b331-fe20394367bd/orders?and(like(partial_upgrade_operation_id,sub*),like(partial_upgrade_operation_id,*plan*))","pkgId":"bcbf431d-ed81-4887-9ac2-67c12eada03a"}', Status Code is '500' Cause Attribute partial_upgrade_operation_id is not configured in Billing panel. Resolution Create attribute as explained on the documentation: Deploying Partial Upgrade Tool.
Not able to downsize/cancel co-termed NCE subscriptions
Original Publishing Date: 2023-07-17 Symptoms Co-termed Microsoft NCE subscriptions that have expiration date changed cannot be downsized or cancelled even when doing it in the 7-day cancellation window provided by Microsoft. UX1 > Customers > Subscriptions > Change Shows the following message: "According to the terms of service, this subscription cannot be downsized." UX1 > Customers > Subscriptions CANCEL option is disabled. Cause Software issue with id #OA-35550. Resolution Please contact CloudBlue Technical Support to apply an internal fix for the subscription. You can also contact your Technical Account Manager for further follow-up on this software issue or check the release notes.
How to install Partial Upgrade Tool
Original Publishing Date: 2023-07-17 Question How can be "partial upgrade tool" installed on CloudBlue Commerce? Answer It is required to meet the technical requirements and create a deployment according to the documentation. Please, make sure everything is correctly configured following the official documentation: Deploying Partial Upgrade Tool. Once it is deployed on your CloudBlue Commerce installation, the tool will be accessible form your CP, on Operations side under "Services".
Switch order failed with error: "Resource quantity cannot be greater than X"
Original Publishing Date: 2023-07-27 Symptoms An attempt to place switch plan order through REST API or UX1 marketplace with additional resource amount will fail with error 'Resource quantity cannot be greater than X' even if the 'MaxAmount' set in target plan is bigger than the amount of resource added. For example: Source Plan (Plan A) with resource A has 'MaxAmount' of resource A set to 1.0 Target Plan (Plan B) with resource A has 'MaxAmount' of resource A set to 3.0 In the attempt to switch subscription from Plan A to Plan B, with additional amount for resource A (eg: resource A = 2 or 3), the following error will appear: "Resource A quantity cannot be greater then 1.0" Cause This behavior has been recognized as a software related issue #ORMA-449 - 'Change order is not allowed event if MaxAmount resource in the target plan is enough' and is expected to be fixed in Order Management version 1.14. Resolution Please contact Technical Account Manager to know the status of this software related issue. At the moment, the following action can be applied as a workaround: Place Switch plan via API/ UX1 Marketplace without adding additional unit for the affected resource. Once switch plan is complete, add the required amount for required resource in a separate change order. NOTE: This error is not affecting the resource with 'MaxAmount' set to unlimited on both source and target plans.
Azure NCE provisioning failed
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-03 Symptoms Placed Sales Order for Azure NCE fails with following error: Service Creation Failed: Platform service was not created. Task "Provisioning "AzureSubscription" for APS application Azure Cloud Solution Provider NCE(" (id = 68149019) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'POST': The remote cloud service returned an unknown error. In Azure NCE endpoint log we can observe similar error after retrieve subscriptions list information from Microsoft Partner Center: Inner error: [com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidFormatException] Cannot deserialize value of type `` from String "disabled": value not one of declared Enum instance names: [none, deleted, suspended, active] at [Source: Cause The issue is on the CB Commerce Azure NCE APS connector. When retrieving subscriptions status it is received an unexpected status that is not one of the expected values included into following list: [none, deleted, suspended, active]. Resolution The development of Azure NCE APS application has stopped and reached EOL as mentioned in, it is replaced by NCE Azure Connect connector. This order can not be completed and must be switched to the new NCE Azure Connect connector.