Published Solutions
How long does Prometheus stored its data
Original Publishing Date: 2023-05-30 Question Prometheus scraped data from some exposed metrics of some applications, but how long does it store it or how long is the data retention? Answer It depends on the value configured on paramenter storage.tsdb.retention.time on prometheus-prometheus-operator-kube-p-prometheus-0. For example as below, it is 10 days: [root@~]# kubectl describe pod prometheus-prometheus-operator-kube-p-prometheus-0 -n infrastructure | grep tsdb --storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus --storage.tsdb.retention.time=10d Internal
API Migration Order failed with Access denied error
Original Publishing Date: 2023-05-29 Symptoms Customer is trying to import an Exclaimer Subscription into the Control panel by using the request payload: { "type": "MIGRATION", "accountId": "123qwe12-1234-5678-9101-1234qwer1234", "planId": "123qwe12-1234-5678-9101-1234qwer1234", "period": { "unit": "MONTHS", "duration": "12" }, "resources": [ { "resourceId": "123qwe12-1234-5678-9101-1234qwer1234", "amount": 1 } ], "startDate": "2019-10-10", "expirationDate": "2023-10-10", "migrationDate": "2023-05-18", "migrationProgram": "do_not_count_migration_billing_period", "parameters": [ { "aps": { "type": "" }, "activationParameters": [ { "key": "subscriptionoption1", "value": "Import" }, { "key": "migrationsubscriptionid", "value": "B7psegNzU2B8WSYzPNJYEwy27Us2ND" } ] } ], "attributes": [ { "attributeID": "comments", "value": "add here any comment." } ] } And the URL of the API call: https://{base_url}/aps/2/services/order-manager/orders The result of the request is: "message": " Access Denied. " Cause Customer is using the method to import NCE Microsoft Subscription for a non based PLM plan. Resolution For now we do not have a validated method to import Subscriptions based on Exclaimer products.
Try to add promo code shows error 414 in browser console
Original Publishing Date: 2023-05-24 Symptoms If you login to Account and find in business > marketing > promotions > promo code no data is displayed, in the backend on the web-debugger request to fetch subscription HTTP error code 414 is displayed. Cause This is caused by software bug #DM-218. This promo is applied to a huge amount of subscriptions, in browser console we can observe the request has sent in the uri more than the allowed characters by default configuration, therefore get a 414 error, uri too long. Resolution Software bug #DM-218 will be fixed in future releases of Discount Manager. There is an available w/a: **Execute following command from branding-ui pod. Option 1. temporary change (until branding-ui pod restart): vi /etc/httpd/brand.conf.d/ add LimitRequestLine to ...</> . for example: ServerName LimitRequestLine 16380 To apply changes: 1. identify httpd pid ps -ef | grep httpd | grep root | grep sbin | awk '{print $2}' 2. kill httpd pid kill -SIGUSR1 275 Option 2. permanent change vi /mnt/brands/vhost/ add LimitRequestLine to ...</> . for example: ServerName LimitRequestLine 16380 to apply changes: /sbin/reload-httpd Then restart pod: kubectl delete pod -l service=branding-ui-cluster-ui
[PLM] SO fails with "Partner is not onboarded to sell in this country"
Original Publishing Date: 2023-05-30 Symptoms Customer/Reseller places an NCE Order based on a PLM plan and provisioning fails with error similar to: Service Creation Failed: Platform service was not created. Task "Provisioning "Tenant" for APS application inhouse-products(https://inhouse-products:8081/rest)" (id = 30857407) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'POST https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant': Operation 'CREATION' failed. Fulfillment Request 'PR-1234-5678-8901-001'. Reason: An error has occurred getting Microsoft item data with message: Partner is not onboarded to sell in this country SO. Where 'SO' is the 'country code' from the Company Postal address of the Reseller/Customer, and id is the provisioning tenant OA task, which is in failed status if the Vendor has rejected the PR provisioning request. Cause The error is due to the fact that the Vendor, Microsoft in this case, has rejected the PR because the country code of the Reseller/Customer is not onboarded to sell the product in that 'SO' Country code. This means that this offer is not purchasable from that specific location. Resolution Verify contact data information specified by a customer (Billing > Customers > Company Postal Address > Country) and change values if they are incorrect. Otherwise, contact with the Vendor In order to understand why it is not possible to purchase from that specific country code and onboard it if it is possible.
[UX1 UI] Dropdown menus are not properly displayed
Original Publishing Date: 2023-05-30 Symptoms In UX1 CP, when new experience is not activated, the drop-down menus are not correctly displayed for different components. The current version of the UX1 Framework is 0.22.249 in oss-21.9. Cause The case has been recognized as software issue #OA-33404. Resolution The fix is considered to be included in oss-21.10 and UX1 Framework 0.23.279 version. Please reach out to your Technical Account Manager or check our release notes for further details.
[Rating Engine] Discount from previous period was recharged
Original Publishing Date: 2023-05-31 Symptoms In recent billing order, it is observed that the detail type 'Discount' for previous subscription period was recharged. For example: Cause This is because the discount applied to the subscription was changed recently. For example, the subscription was using discount #123 with 5% discount previously, and then changed to discount #567 with 8% discount. Currently, Rating Engine does not support the historical changes of discount. The change of discount has caused Rating Engine to consider that discount that was calculated previously are now incorrect and need to be recalculated. Therefore, it is recharging the discount amount given in the past and this is the reason why such details occur in the current billing order. Feature request #PFR-6695 - 'Support historicity of discounts in RE' exist to improve this behavior. Resolution If it is needed, please create a correction order to compensate the discount amount that was re-charged. More information regarding correcting orders can be found in official documentation Creating Correction for Order.
Row duplication in RDE reports
Original Publishing Date: 2023-05-31 Symptoms Rated Data Export (RDE) report contains duplicated lines for some accounts. Also there are some empty fields, such us 'CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_ID', 'CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_BSS_APS_ID', 'CUSTOMER_NAME', 'CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_CURRENCY', 'CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_STATEMENT_DAY', 'CUSTOMER_BILLING_CONTACT_NAME', etc. This is causing empty fields in ABR report. Cause The duplicate lines issue was due to a software issue #RDEX-493. Resolution At this time, there is no workaround. Please reach out to your Technical Account Manager or review our release notes for a new version of Rated Data Export (RDE) with RDEX-493 issue fixed.
Custom T&C does not show up at purchase
Original Publishing Date: 2023-06-01 Symptoms Have a custom Terms And Conditions for some Service Plan, purchase subscription under this Service Plan does not show specific Terms & Conditions on the Review Order screen, only the general Terms & Conditions: Cause Custom T&C are configured on any of the following cases: On first purchase and after every T&C change. Only on a first purchase. Resolution This custom T&C will only be shown for customer with non previous subscription based on this Service Plan. In case it is required to show on every purchase it must be changed to any of the following options: Always, on every purchase. On every purchase and after every T&C change. You can read more regarding T&C configuration on the official documentation: For other cases, please, kindly contact CloudBlue Technical Support.
Validate VIPS getOffers endpoint responds with error 500
Original Publishing Date: 2023-05-31 Symptoms Customer is trying to migrate subscriptions from the Adobe VIP Program to CBC. But when clicking button Validate VIPS no response is given, and endpoint fails with error 500. Steps to reproduce: UX1 > Adobe > Fill data > VALIDATE VIPS Cause Adobe Service Plan is not published. Resolution Set Adobe Service Plan to be Available for Sale in the Reseller. Login as Reseller > Billing > Service Plans > Select Adobe Service Plan > Publication Settings > Edit > Mark the Published checkbox and Select a Sales Category > Save
SimpleAPI returns 500 Error code
Original Publishing Date: 2023-06-01 Symptoms When connecting to SimpleAPI endpoint, reseller received 500 code error. For example, below is the output of Postman when trying to create token with BASE_URL/token: { "timestamp": "2023-06-01T10:34:49.805+00:00", "status": 500, "error": "Internal Server Error", "path": "/token", "correlationId": "a8n-e81277c4-c3c2-d4c7-cefb-4464fce14154" } Checking cmpapi pod log with kubectl logs cmpapi-xxxxx-yyyy, the following error were seen: 01-06-2023;10:36:02,753 ERROR [a8n-ed3785c4-da86-b1b9-86e4-56ba6bdd7756 http-nio-8080-exec-4:27 cmpapi] [] o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[.[dispatcherServlet] - Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.util.List.isEmpty()" because "headers" is null Cause Incomplete endpoint URL was used. Resolution Correct endpoint should be BASE_URL plus /api/v1/. This is explained in the Step 3 in the following article: For example: if BASE_URL was defined with, the proper endpoint URL should be