Order Monitoring
[Failed Order] Activation Date cannot be earlier than the subscription creation date or than the date of its last modification
Original Publishing Date: 2023-10-26 Symptoms Placed Cancellation Order that does not create a corresponding request on Connect and fails due following error: Activation Date cannot be earlier than the subscription creation date or than the date of its last modification Most likely there is a previous Cancellation Order already canceled can be found in the subscription history, but reviewing the task manager from the Operations side there is a failed task from this previous cancellation order that has been stuck. Cause Subscription is in inconsistent status due to the stuck task. Subscription is already disabled on OA which creates the misalignment. Resolution This order will never get completed. To be able to cancel your subscription please follow the next steps: Cancel failed task from a previous order Create a request to CloudBlue Technical Support to cancel CL in "Date Validation failed" status After the order has already been canceled place a new Cancellation Order
[Failed order] Value: xxxx of parameter: num_units is greater than the maximum value: 300
Original Publishing Date: 2023-10-19 Symptoms Place an order to increase the total number of licenses on a Subscription, but the request is rejected on Connect side by the Vendor with a similar error message: REJECTION NOTE GOOG_000: Value: xxxx of parameter: num_units is greater than the maximum value: 300 Cause The vendor does not allow having more than 300 licenses under the same subscription. Resolution Use the following steps to upgrade to a new subscription: Check the PR status on the Connect side: Cancel the current order as it will never be completed. In this case please choose the option to upgrade to a new subscription in order to have more than 300 licenses. In case the issue persists create an Incident ticket to CloudBlue Technical Support.
[Failed order] Planned date xxxxxxx is not aligned either with the Microsoft commitment end date xxxxxxx, nor with the next billing end date xxxxx
Original Publishing Date: 2023-10-03 Symptoms Place scheduled order to reduce licenses on the renewal date, but request is rejected on Connect with error message similar to this: Reason: Planned date 2023-11-03 23:00:00 is not aligned either with the Microsoft commitment end date 2023-10-03 00:00:00, nor with the next billing end date 2023-10-03 00:00:00 Cause Request is executed in Connect before subscription is already renewed on Microsoft Partner Center, then it is not allowed to reduce licenses yet. This is usually caused by timezones differences. Resolution Cancel current failed order in Commerce as it will never complete. Then place a new order in Commerce after confirm subscription is already renewed on Partner Center. In case the issue persists create an Incident ticket to CloudBlue Technical Support.
[Failed order] Domain renewal request declined by registrar. The 'oldExpire' additional parameter must be set for the xxxxxxxx.xxx domain.
Original Publishing Date: 2023-09-25 Symptoms Renewal Order for domain is in "Provisioning Failed" status with following error message: "Domain renewal failed. Domain renewal request declined by registrar. The 'oldExpire' additional parameter must be set for the xxxxxxxx.xxx domain. You can set this parameter to the current expiration date of the domain subscription by using the script that you can obtain from the KB article at https://kb.cloudblue.com/en/132534. The 'oldExpire' additional parameter must be set in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd' where yyyy - the year of expiration date, mm - the month of expiration date, dd - the day of expiration date. Domain Status:Registered". Cause Parameter 'oldExpire' is not included into the domain additional parameters. This can be confirmed from the Control Panel: In billing provider's control panel, go to Services > Domains. Find the domain for which you need to modify the field. Open the Additional Information tab of the domain. In case no 'oldExpire' parameter exist under this domain proceed with "Resolution" steps. In other situations submit an Incident ticket to CloudBlue Technical support. Resolution Download attached script and copy it into oss pod. Then execute the script to add 'oldExpire' value (this value is current expiration date). The script changes the value of a single field for a single domain at a time. Important! The name of parameters (they represent additional fields of a domain) are case sensitive. Be careful with entering parameter's name, as if you misprint it's name, a new parameter will be added to the domain's additional information. Script execution example: python change-domain-additional-info.py --domain-name xxxxxxxxx.xxx --parameter-name oldExpire --parameter-value 2023-09-24 Confirm value is correctly added to the domain on the Additional Information for it. Then resubmit order and wait until it is completed.
[Failed order] Domain subscription renewal/cancellation fails: 'request declined by registrar'
Original Publishing Date: 2023-09-22 Symptoms An automatically or manually generated renewal or cancellation order for a domain subscription fails during the provisioning stage of the domain renewal/cancellation process. The error message varies depending on the registrar. Here are some examples of possible errors: Domain "domain.tld" not found. Domain renewal request declined by registrar. Domain "domain.tld" is currently unavailable for renewal: Failed to get domain information. Failed to get the domain expiration date. Domain renewal in failed: error no: 480 error text: Domain not found. Domain renewal failed. Domain renewal request declined by the registrar. Domain could not be renewed. Domain could not be found or the user is not authorized. This domain does not exist. Domain data could not be inquired. Domain unknown Failed to get the current expiration date Domain renewal request declined by the registrar. Domain renewal in OpenSRS failed: error no: 400 error text: Registry status failed Domain renewal failed. Domain renewal request declined by the registrar. Failed to get the current expiration date The object does not exist Cause The registrar does not have information about the domain. Most likely, the domain has been transferred to another registrar. Resolution Check the current domain registrar using the whois utility: # whois domain.tld From the command output, you will be able to find out the current domain registrar. If the domain has been changed to a different registrar, check with the registrar and the customer that the domain transfer was made at the customer's request. After the confirmation, you can cancel the renewal order and the domain registration subscription in BA because the domain is not registered with its original registrar anymore. If the domain is still shown under the old registrar, you may contact registrar support to clarify the reason of such a response. In case additional assistance is required, please contact CloudBlue Technical Support.
[Failed Task] Operational task /updateCustomerTrend failed with time out
Original Publishing Date: 2023-09-20 Symptoms In Operations Tasks Manager, task /updateCustomerTrend is failed exactly one hour after start with "Read timed out" error: RESTEASY004655: Unable to invoke request: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out Read timed out Cause Update task take more than an hour to complete on the Reporting and Data Export Database. However, updateCustomerTrend on the oss side can only wait a reply from the update from the Reporting and Data Export side up to 1 hour, this lead to failed task due time out. But update task still runs on the RDE side until complete. It is considered as a software related issue with ID #RDEX-511 that will be fixed in future RDE releases. Resolution As explained, this task will never complete on task manager even if it is completed on the RDE side, so this task can be ignored or cancelled.
[Failed order] The target transition ToSubscriptionId field is invalid. Target subscription CommitmentEndDate must be later than source subscription
Original Publishing Date: 2023-09-18 Symptoms Change order failed with below error: The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Task "Delivering event 'Resource limits changed' for APS application inhouse-products(https://inhouse-products:8081/rest)" (id = 331981) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'POST https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant/xxxxxxx-a2c4-4aa0-ad9f-e0c8d1acfdee/onLimitChange': Operation 'LIMIT_CHANGE' failed. Fulfillment Request 'PR-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-026'. Reason: An error has occurred when performing the partial upgrade of the subscriptionxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-d7b1-960d867b34d1: The target transition ToSubscriptionId field is invalid. Target subscription CommitmentEndDate must be later than source subscription.. Cause The issue can happen because the source subscription expires later than the target subscription expiration date. According to the documentation, this upgrade is not allowed, it is only allowed to partially upgrade a subscription to an existing subscription that has an expiration date later than the source subscription. It is a known limitation : https://docs.cloudblue.com/cbc/21.0/UX1-UI/whats-new.htm#5.4 Resolution 1. Check the PR status on the Connect side: 2. Cancel the current order as it will never be completed. 3. In this case please choose the option to upgrade to a new subscription
[Failed order] For the current term, the requested number of X asset(s) exceeded the remaining limit of Y assets allowed for this customer for the CatalogID - XXXXXXXX:XXXXXX
Original Publishing Date: 2023-09-07 Symptoms Sales Order failed with below error: The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Service Creation Failed: Task "Provisioning "Tenant" for APS application inhouse-products(https://inhouse-products:8081/rest)" (id = 71706305) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'POST https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant': Operation 'CREATION' failed. Fulfillment Request 'PR-1234-5678-6254-001'. Reason: There has been an error on checkout the cart: For the current term, the requested number of X asset(s) exceeded the remaining limit of Y assets allowed for this customer for the CatalogID - XXXXXXXX:XXXX Cause The Above Error Message is coming directly from Microsoft. The response from Microsoft can be found in the connect logs: PR-1234-5678-6254-001 MICROSOFT_AAD_API_Response MS-CorrelationId:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", MS-RequestId:"xxxxxxxx" : {'orderErrors': [{'orderGroupId': '0', 'code': 800106, 'description': 'For the current term, the requested number of 1 asset(s) exceeded the remaining limit of 0 assets allowed for this customer for the CatalogID - XXXXXXXXX:0005:XXXXXXX.', 'attributes': {'objectType': 'OrderError'}}], 'additionalInformation': [], 'attributes': {'objectType': 'CartCheckoutResult'}} Resolution 1. Check the PR status on the Connect side: 2. Cancel the current order as it will never be completed. 3. To clarify the root cause, please get in touch with Microsoft Technical Support with MS CustomerID, MS-RequestId and CatalogID.
[Failed order] There are no availabilities for country XX, product XXXXXXXX, sku XXXX and segment commercial.
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-30 Symptoms Sales order fails with the below error: The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Service Creation Failed: Task "Provisioning "Tenant" for APS application inhouse-products(https://inhouse-products:8081/rest)" (id = 326001) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'POST https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant': Operation 'CREATION' failed. Fulfillment Request 'PR-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX'. Reason: There are no availabilities for country XX, product XXXXXXXXX, sku XXXX and segment commercial. Cause As the error message indicates, this SKU is not available on the Microsoft side. One of the possible reasons is that the product reached End Of Life(EOL) and Microsoft has removed it from the offer list, so it is not available for purchase anymore. Resolution 1. Contact Microsoft to clarify why the product you requested is not available for purchase anymore. 2. Check the PR status on the Connect side. The CB order needs to be canceled If the request failed in Connect with the same error. 3. Please disable all EOL products and upload new PPRs regularly to avoid such issues in the future.
[Failed order] It has not been possible to complete the partial upgrade. The Change request PR-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX that the current request depends on is failed.
Original Publishing Date: 2023-08-25 Symptoms Change order failed with below error: The order provisioning failed. The last error is "Task "Delivering event 'Resource limits changed' for APS application inhouse-products( https://inhouse-products:8081/rest)" (id = 71693114) is failed with error: "'500 Internal Server Error' received from 'POST https://inhouse-products:8081/rest/tenant/97cb28f0-56c6-4a1a-90eb-2ba7a68922b6/onLimitChange': Operation 'LIMIT_CHANGE' failed. Fulfillment Request 'PR-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxx'. Reason: It has not been possible to complete the partial upgrade. The Change request PR-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyy that the current request depends on is failed Cause The issue can be happened due to Mismatch of customer address between CBC/connect and microsoft. Resolution 1. Cancel the current order if it is failed in connect with the same error. 2. To fix the issue ,Please Update customer address to be same in CBC/Connect and Microsoft. 3. Once the address is identical , Please place a new order as current one will never be completed.