BSS 20.5-2260
Original Publishing Date:
Fixed Issues
OA-35223 Charge on purchase billing model is available on existing non-plm plans
OA-35224 Backport API for making service plans as one-time
Included in BSS 20.5-2242
OA-31355 Support for BillingContactID and TechContactID domain subscription parameters in UX1
Included in BSS 20.5-2241
OA-30660 Plan name and descriptions were not available in iw_IL, sl_SI and sr_RS locales
Included in BSS 20.5-2240
OA-30038 Remote handlers were called for technical orders
Included in BSS 20.5-2139
OA-29841 The ability to control the behavior of subscription period determination during switching subscriptions from CSP service plans to NCE service plans
Included in BSS 20.5-2138
OA-29418 An error occurred when retrieving information about a terminated subscription
Included in BSS 20.5-2137
OA-28552 Display or hide the Customers menu item in UX1 by privilege
Included in BSS 20.5-2136
OA-28557 The ability to initiate provisioning on period switch
OA-28192 Support for the changeParameters property in Change Order
Included in BSS 20.5-2135
OA-28389 The Portfolio menu item is now added in UX1
OA-27656 The anonymous context for orders is now supported
Included in BSS 20.5-2133
OA-28218 Subscription and billing periods and trial parameters were not set to pem.setResourceTypeLimit during the subscription synchronization
Included in BSS 20.5-2132
OA-27984 Cancellation and downsizing policies did not work after reimport of the Excel file with PLM plans
Included in BSS 20.5-2129
OA-27371 Support for setting different prices for products with several subscription periods
Included in BSS 20.5-2127
OA-26317 Payment SDK now supports the REDIRECT status for the Callback method
OA-27152 Terminated subscriptions with the last billing date in the past failed to synchronize with the service plan
Included in BSS 20.5-2124
OA-25077 Support for APS REST API account operations to place cancellation orders and to set or release Administrative Hold
Included in BSS 20.5-2122
OA-26253 Support for new policies for subscription cancellation and resource downsizing, including Office NCE subscriptions
OA-26255 Support for new policies for subscription cancellation and resource downsizing in Order Management
OA-26259 Support for new policies for subscription cancellation and resource downsizing in UX1 for Customers
Included in BSS 20.5-2116
OA-26897 The /delegate task failed with the error 500
OA-26898 The applyConfig tasks failed by timeout
Included in BSS 20.5-2114
OA-26916 Migrator UI
OA-22094 Support for new rating engine for existing subscriptions
Included in BSS 20.5-2110
OA-26728 CEP report minor improvements have been made in this version
Included in BSS 20.5-2108
OA-26420 The subscription synchronization task failed with the "cast to bool type on NULL value" error when subscriptions were in the Ordered status
Included in BSS 20.5-2105
OA-26327 Some changes required to support PLM have been made in this version
Included in BSS 20.5-2089
OA-25755 A billing order could get stuck in the HF status
OA-25679 An error occurred when clicking Charge Credit Card on a payment document
OA-25591 A promo code value was removed from a subscription after the subscription transfer
OA-25516 The "Report billing data" task failed causing a lack of memory
Included in BSS 20.5-2080
OA-23908 The ETransactionCheckStatus task finished without exception in case of network error during plugin invocation invocation
Included in BSS 20.5-2079
OA-23786 Unable to activate DNSSEC for a domain name that starts with a capital letter using the PHP OpenSRS plugin
Included in BSS 20.5-2077
OA-22994 Billing Application - Selling Domains Through UX1 Marketplace ( requires OM 1.4.322 or higher )
Included in BSS 20.5-2076
OA-23234 The legacy payment screen was displayed on attempt to pay an invoice in UX1
OA-23085 The order detail description was generated with the system locale instead of the user locale
OA-23375 The "Pay" button became unavailable on the invoice screen after canceling or closing the payment pop-up window
OA-23327 Subscriptions were not displayed in the "Subscription" tab in UX1
Included in BSS 20.5-2073
OA-23160 Orders with configured Handling Fee could not be fetched with REST API
Included in BSS 20.5-2072
OA-22684 A reseller was not billed in case of misconfigured TopUp Options settings
OA-22240 GetOrderDataPackage_API did not support Billing Orders based on VRD charges
Included in BSS 20.5-2071
OA-22917 Order processing took too much time due to many unprocessed events in the Billing task manager
OA-21265 Rating Engine's consistency with service plan synchronization, resource synchronization, and API to set subscription resource amount
Included in BSS 20.5-2066
OA-22531 It was impossible to synchronize the publication status of a delegated plan
Included in BSS 20.5-2064
OA-22096 Support for order and subscription transfer in RE
Included in BSS 20.5-2060
OA-22393 An index for the Reseller Transaction table query was required
OA-22411 The tax calculation for an invoice with many details failed
Included in BSS 20.5-2058
OA-21242 Reseller Marketplace can be accessed from ConnectWise Manage
OA-22090 The Usage consumption type for a resource is introduced ( requires UX1UI higher than 4.1 version )
Included in BSS 20.5-2056
OA-22118 A reseller order with many details was not billed
Included in BSS 20.5-2055
OA-21539 The "Add New Service Anniversary Day" wizard did not have enough field descriptions
OA-21291 It was possible to make duplicate payments for a reseller invoice
Included in BSS 20.5-2050
OA-21189 Classic Product Inventory did not support updating price and cost for the same MPN provided by different applications
OA-21188 Classic Product Inventory did not support setting different prices and costs for an same MPN that belongs to different vendors
Included in BSS 20.5-2045
OA-21085 Billing configuration statistics was not integrated into the latest versions of CloudBlue Commerce
OA-21150 The "Available for Sale" plan setting was not synchronized during reseller synchronization
OA-21193 It was impossible to set the Microsoft service anniversary day
Included in BSS 20.5-2042
OA-21039 PrometheusMetricsCollectorInitBean caused high CPU usage on the BSS database
Included in BSS 20.5-2040
OA-20860 The scheduler process sometimes consumed too much memory
OA-20859 A plan version was not changed during reseller synchronization
OA-20573 getWizardData logging took too much time in PCM
OA-20572 The same package was requested many times in PCM
Included in BSS 20.5-2039
OA-20032 Almost 25% of Renewal Order generation time during the DBP was used by bPlanRate::getPlanRateForPeriod
Included in BSS 20.5-2037
OA-20266 The Price and MSRP values were unnecessarily validated when only Costs were imported
OA-20239 A suboptimal SQL query affected DB performance
Included in BSS 20.5-2036
OA-19692 Google Analytics was not integrated into Classic panels
Included in BSS 20.5-2034
OA-20279 TaxZoneID was erased after account data update
Included in BSS 20.5-2028
OA-19990 A promotion price was not displayed in the public UX1 marketplace
Included in BSS 20.5-2026
OA-19660 VRD Order is not generated while Account in "Credit Hold"
This hotfix can be downloaded from here.
This package requires latest version of OSS component
Use oa-update KB111323 to install this hotfix. Also this hotfix will be installed automatically during upgrade to CB 20.5.0 via oa-update.
Internal content