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Error message 'impossible not to provision non-optional resource' when creating a subscription.

Modified on: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 12:07 PM
Original Publishing Date:


I'm trying to create a subscription to test my APS package but an error is shown at the end of subscription creation wizard:

void Plesk::APS::ApplicationServiceInstanceProvider::provideServiceInstance(const Plesk::APS::ProvisioningPossibility&) : [APSC] impossible not to provision non-optional resource


POA tries to create a resource with 'autoprovision' flags and checks its relations to other services, one of the services with 'required: true' relation is not present in subscription


Check resource schema for autoprovided resource, since it is main resource of application it should have 'required: true' relation only to POA core resources such as core/account, core/subscription etc.

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